Diner, D., T.P. Ackerman, T.L. Anderson, J. Bösenberg, A.J. Braverman, R.J. Charlson, W.D. Collins, R. Davies, B. Holben, C. Hostetler, R. Kahn, J.V. Martonchik, R.T. Menzies, M.A. Miller, J.A. Ogren, J.E. Penner, P.J. Rasch, S.E. Schwartz, J.H. Seinfeld, G. Stephens, O. Torres, L.D. Travis, B. Wielicki, and B. Yu (2004), Understanding Aerosols Paragon: An Integrated Approach for Characterizing Aerosol Climate Impacts and Environmental Interactions, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 1491, doi:10.1175/BAMS-85-10-1491.
A systematic, multidisciplinary, and multiagency approach to aerosol research will accelerate scientific progress critical to understanding climate and environmental change.
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