The Airborne Science Instrument Database provides details on the science instruments that have been used as part of NASA-funded airborne research.

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Currently displayed: instruments 321 - 340 of 356.

Title Acronymsort descending Contact Person Aircraft Type Measurements
Sea Ice Thickness Penetrating Radar Instrument SITPRI Ben Holt (PI) Radar Ice Sheet Thickness
Fibre-optic Fed Slit-Spectrograph SLIT Michael Winter (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Spectrometer (in situ) Brightness Temperature
Submillimeter Limb Sounder SLS Robert Stachnik (PI) Balloon, ER-2 - AFRC Limb Sounder ClO, O3, HCl, HNO3, N2O
G-V Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer SMPS James Smith (PI) Gulfstream V - NSF Differential mobility Aerosol Size Distribution
Single Particle Soot Photometer (NOAA) SP2 Joshua (Shuka) Schwarz (PI) C-130H - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC, GV - NCAR, Gulfstream III - LaRC Photometer Black Carbon, Aerosol
Spectro-Polarimeter for Exploration - Airborne SPEX Airborne Otto Hasekamp (PI) ER-2 - AFRC Polarimeter
SPP-100 SPP Paul Lawson (PI) WB-57 - JSC Optical particle counter, Spectrometer (in situ) Particle concentration
Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer SSFR Peter Pilewskie (Co-I) Altair, DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, Global Hawk - AFRC, J-31, P-3 Orion - WFF, C-130H - WFF, Twin Otter - CIRPAS - NPS Radiometer Solar flux, Irradiance
Turbulent Air Motion Measurement System TAMMS Lee Thornhill (PI) P-3 Orion - WFF Navigation recorder Aircraft position, Temperature, Pressure, H2O
Thermal-Dissociation Laser Induced Fluorescence TD-LIF Ronald C. Cohen (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Fluorescence NO2, ∑PNs, ∑ANs, HNO3
Tissue Equivalent Particle Counter TEPC Donna Gallagher (PI) ER-2 - AFRC
Telescopic High Definition Television THDTV Edward Schilling (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Camera Imagery
Thickness from Offbeam Returns THOR Bob Cahalan (PI) P-3 Orion - WFF Lidar Cloud Thickness
Thematic Mapper Simulator TMS James D. Jacobson Jr. (Mgr) ER-2 - AFRC Camera Imagery
Trace Organic Gas Analyzer TOGA Eric Apel (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, Gulfstream V - NSF, C-130 - NSF Gas chromatography, Spectrometer (in situ) VOCs, alkanes, alkenes, aromatics, NMHC, Hydrocarbons, OVOCs, halogenates, alkyl nitriles, Alkyl Nitrates, sulfur-containing VOCs
Tropospheric Ozone and Tracers from Commercial Aircraft Platforms TOTCAP Linnea Avallone (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC Laser absorption, Spectrometer (in situ) O3, H2O, CO2
TSI 3563 Integrating Nephelometer TSI Neph Cessna 402B, Citation, DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Twin Otter - GRC, Twin Otter (DOE) Particle Extinction
Tropospheric Wind Lidar Technology Experiment TWiLiTE Bruce Gentry (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, Global Hawk - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC Lidar Wind
O3 Photometer - UAS (NOAA) UASO3 Troy Thornberry (PI) WB-57 - JSC, Global Hawk - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC Photometer O3
Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Atmo Water Sensor Package UAVAWSP Lance Christensen (PI) N2O, H2O isotopes, H2O, CO, CH4


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