58 1001 McElroy, Tom;Prather, Mike;Midwinter, Clive;Barton, David;Hall, Bob;McConnell Jack ENVIRONMENT CANADA, Dowsview, Ontario, CANADA M3H 5T4 (416) 739-4630 UV-VIS data from ER-2 STRAT 1 1 1996 12 16 1997 06 02 0 elapsed time in UT seconds from 0000 hours on the day given in DATE 11 1.0e-002 1.0e-002 1.0e-002 1.0e-002 1.0e-002 1.0e-002 1.0e-005 1.0e+000 1.0e+000 1.0e+000 1.0e+000 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 308 mean albedo for waveband 300-315 nm [percent] 350 mean albedo for waveband 325-375 nm [percent] 450 mean albedo for waveband 425-475 nm [percent] 600 mean albedo for waveband 575-625 nm [percent] sol mean albedo for waveband 300-775 nm [percent] NO2 J-value NO2 (photolysis rate) [inverse secs] OSD J-value O(1D) (photolysis rate) [inverse secs] cO3 column O3, units = m-atm-cm [Dobson units] SZA solar zenith angles at aircraft position [degrees] RZA SZA relative to the instrument diffuser normal [degrees] SAA solar azimuth angle in MET coordinates [degrees] 1 ***** preliminary data ***** 32 For more complete information about the UV-VIS experiment see the document file uv-vis.doc on the ASHOE/MAESA data base. File Type 2 - UP{date}.ea1 UV-VIS data are collected using a 1024-element photodiode, array spectrophotometer. Using order separating filters, measurements are made in the near UV (300 - 375 nm) and in the visible (375 - 775 nm). Blended spectra (300 - 800 nm) are used to tttculate the band integrals and J-values. The spectral resoluton is appodized to about 1 nm. Ozone values are tttculated using of two methods: either the Brewer 4-wavelength log/ratio technique (similar in principle to the Dobson AD or CD measurements) or a full spectral fitting tttculation. The ozone data in this file were analyzed using the Brewer method. The ozone data in this file were not analyzed using the spectral fitting method. Note regarding units: when the reported data are multiplied by the indicated sttting factors the resulting data are in the following units. 1. for the albedo in the bands reported the quantities are in [percent] 2. J-values are in inverse seconds 3. Column ozone is in Dobson Units. 4. The solar angles are in degrees. The solar azimuth angle is reported relative to the angle of view of the instrument limb viewing direction (which is outward along the right wing). The aircraft forward direction is 90 degrees in these coordinates. Sec 308 350 450 600 sol NO2 OSD cO3 SZA RZA SAA 57351 10.64 1.52 1.89 3.42 2.66 4.86 1.95 999999 84.26 89.11 123.06 57483 29.30 2.59 3.71 5.50 5.00 1.33 0.64 219.0 83.91 80.02 303.09 57615 47.54 4.63 8.44 9.34 9.27 0.67 0.32 -32.1 83.55 79.64 302.73 57747 60.67 32.57 16.81 10.56 12.16 0.40 0.24 30.5 83.24 70.26 301.04 57879 81.86 40.37 20.22 13.06 15.61 0.51 0.13 103.3 82.98 71.64 293.42 58011 101.39 42.30 21.70 13.08 16.84 0.58 0.14 77.0 82.72 74.18 294.97 58143 73.80 39.71 23.19 13.50 18.77 0.57 0.20 153.2 82.48 77.16 329.90 58274 44.00 32.08 19.65 11.86 17.53 0.76 0.40 47.7 82.19 84.38 331.65 58406 45.36 34.99 23.45 17.51 21.95 0.86 0.28 104.4 81.92 80.31 327.36 58637 41.81 32.05 19.34 13.10 18.75 0.95 0.32 144.7 81.48 78.87 323.30 58769 41.69 40.78 21.38 13.24 19.53 0.85 0.38 99.0 81.24 83.80 324.38 58900 36.65 34.04 21.17 16.17 20.64 0.92 0.35 137.2 81.02 80.35 324.05 59032 37.07 29.88 22.78 20.36 23.54 1.03 0.37 140.8 80.81 80.15 325.64 59164 33.92 31.00 18.15 13.28 17.07 1.01 0.35 166.1 80.62 80.04 323.20 59296 32.76 31.75 21.69 17.16 21.22 1.02 0.34 199.1 80.43 80.11 322.29 59428 28.11 31.34 22.75 18.32 22.02 1.10 0.37 112.2 80.23 79.64 321.52 59560 30.78 31.72 19.92 15.11 19.50 1.24 0.32 165.8 80.05 79.67 323.06 59692 31.59 34.00 23.41 18.28 22.62 1.30 0.28 159.2 79.87 79.37 323.91 59824 25.79 31.01 20.09 15.21 19.46 1.35 0.38 156.2 79.69 79.07 323.50 60054 25.34 30.67 20.33 14.43 19.28 1.35 0.39 128.2 79.40 79.10 322.79 60186 25.28 33.28 25.55 22.14 25.43 1.36 0.45 150.2 79.25 78.62 322.51 60318 25.08 30.27 26.25 21.37 25.45 1.38 0.36 127.7 79.09 78.40 321.07 60449 31.40 37.24 25.23 18.60 23.91 1.34 0.39 188.5 78.94 78.45 320.32 60581 27.60 34.50 53.45 54.60 52.75 1.38 0.38 182.0 78.80 77.87 319.41 60713 25.31 27.73 18.60 12.79 17.05 1.33 0.26 184.6 78.65 78.08 320.49 60845 25.66 30.15 20.66 16.78 20.42 1.36 0.35 169.0 78.52 77.75 318.94 60977 25.78 32.67 22.46 16.27 20.97 1.37 0.34 151.3 78.39 77.49 317.84 61109 27.46 33.76 33.59 30.94 32.81 1.39 0.29 175.6 78.27 76.60 317.23 61241 26.98 33.56 28.03 19.92 25.87 1.29 0.42 189.8 78.15 76.85 316.83 61471 32.95 44.69 33.33 25.95 32.03 1.26 0.37 180.5 77.95 77.02 316.65 61603 31.19 42.13 35.92 26.58 32.22 1.25 0.37 185.9 77.84 77.02 316.55 61735 37.22 49.03 45.74 40.18 43.95 1.28 0.35 202.4 77.75 76.35 313.71 61867 40.42 55.78 48.94 47.04 49.77 1.28 0.39 167.0 77.66 76.54 313.48 61999 43.10 58.56 57.08 53.17 56.20 1.28 0.33 187.4 77.57 76.79 312.65 62130 27.95 36.27 37.56 31.35 34.87 1.26 0.42 176.2 77.49 76.24 312.22 62262 27.58 33.78 24.98 22.92 25.15 1.25 0.42 177.3 77.41 76.31 312.42 62394 24.65 31.42 25.97 21.61 24.70 1.27 0.45 167.1 77.34 76.22 312.13 62526 24.94 31.18 27.39 23.64 25.20 1.26 0.44 184.5 77.27 76.15 311.51 62658 24.64 29.15 16.97 12.45 16.25 1.21 0.40 169.7 77.20 75.98 312.21 62888 27.31 34.85 27.49 23.81 27.20 1.20 0.38 177.5 77.11 75.91 310.67 63020 30.93 40.18 25.48 22.56 26.67 1.21 0.41 187.8 77.06 76.03 310.07 63152 34.08 49.12 36.15 33.25 36.74 1.22 0.42 152.7 77.02 75.80 309.70 63284 36.42 50.50 34.60 30.57 34.53 1.23 0.35 188.8 76.98 75.79 308.88 63416 43.22 67.20 82.97 97.53 90.72 1.24 0.39 185.2 76.96 75.76 308.97 63548 38.06 54.62 50.88 45.63 49.42 1.24 0.43 221.1 76.93 76.03 309.63 63679 38.39 51.79 54.03 53.41 54.86 1.24 0.33 192.5 76.91 75.85 308.27 63811 25.35 32.80 19.24 10.87 16.56 1.21 0.39 177.6 76.90 75.61 308.19 63943 33.72 48.17 50.99 52.72 52.01 1.25 0.39 158.5 76.89 75.78 308.75 64075 26.86 36.60 27.48 20.63 25.78 1.24 0.41 183.4 76.89 75.47 307.72 64306 33.00 47.65 58.25 61.77 61.38 1.26 0.40 185.5 76.90 75.76 306.35 64437 29.84 45.32 45.82 43.60 45.82 1.27 0.48 170.0 76.90 75.89 305.54 64569 30.71 42.23 35.88 31.23 34.69 1.24 0.37 189.9 76.92 75.37 304.86 64701 29.07 40.96 37.62 36.90 39.32 1.26 0.43 183.8 76.95 75.34 304.76 64833 28.74 37.49 30.84 21.68 27.33 1.22 0.38 184.6 76.98 75.76 307.25 64965 29.02 38.83 33.89 29.89 33.31 1.25 0.37 173.5 77.01 75.67 305.92 65097 27.34 39.70 26.30 21.75 26.44 1.26 0.41 189.7 77.04 76.54 307.20 65229 31.27 47.29 28.21 19.73 25.48 1.25 0.43 171.8 77.08 75.21 305.58 65360 28.05 37.00 26.57 18.73 24.64 1.28 0.35 189.7 77.11 75.50 305.46 65492 29.17 38.16 33.87 23.50 29.85 1.23 0.31 184.9 77.16 75.39 305.81 65723 27.06 38.77 46.67 47.83 48.05 1.19 0.31 194.7 77.24 75.72 303.06 65855 25.76 39.82 40.69 38.29 40.28 1.19 0.37 215.4 77.30 75.37 302.38 65986 28.02 42.32 42.63 41.52 43.23 1.21 0.35 164.6 77.35 76.04 301.08 66118 27.03 40.41 32.33 25.64 30.73 1.20 0.34 150.6 77.42 75.62 299.95 66250 28.38 45.93 40.14 34.50 39.22 1.22 0.41 176.5 77.50 75.55 301.48 66382 30.06 50.97 49.44 47.10 50.26 1.22 0.48 169.9 77.57 75.80 300.35 66514 33.86 52.75 59.94 58.22 60.01 1.22 0.32 190.1 77.65 76.24 299.48 66646 37.21 71.11 58.08 54.93 58.95 1.24 0.40 169.5 77.72 76.05 299.17 66778 33.11 55.11 33.32 27.96 33.51 1.20 0.34 161.3 77.82 77.35 298.64 66909 27.67 45.60 29.25 19.30 26.08 1.15 0.38 154.9 77.90 76.51 298.13 67140 39.13 69.45 56.38 43.53 51.28 1.18 0.34 191.3 78.08 76.98 297.80 67272 38.78 74.16 57.74 50.44 56.86 1.14 0.38 184.7 78.20 76.46 297.14 67404 33.70 60.49 39.20 33.45 39.01 1.18 0.40 163.2 78.31 76.15 295.56 67535 24.99 42.19 25.28 17.96 23.97 1.13 0.40 170.5 78.43 76.56 295.26 67667 25.13 36.02 36.50 32.37 35.56 1.15 0.25 197.8 78.57 77.20 294.53 67799 23.42 36.83 24.84 14.30 20.95 1.16 0.33 203.6 78.71 76.77 292.44 67931 28.43 40.05 37.13 29.30 33.73 1.16 0.32 163.7 78.84 77.05 291.35 68063 26.07 38.44 31.82 23.31 28.02 1.15 0.31 169.6 78.99 77.27 291.25 68195 26.47 44.13 32.53 21.58 28.52 1.14 0.46 161.8 79.14 77.91 290.65 68327 38.79 65.44 63.09 61.10 63.73 1.07 0.25 208.5 79.29 77.72 290.72 68557 26.83 49.89 50.70 46.22 49.67 1.09 0.37 147.7 79.56 77.62 290.73 68689 33.47 53.48 38.50 29.10 37.74 1.07 0.32 192.7 79.72 77.98 290.23 68821 34.03 62.10 65.81 61.61 64.98 1.08 0.38 200.5 79.87 77.96 289.77 68953 32.29 42.98 34.46 24.90 31.61 1.07 0.25 178.3 80.04 78.08 289.41 69084 35.67 62.58 64.82 61.76 64.69 1.08 0.23 144.5 80.21 78.24 288.53 69216 30.28 47.65 37.10 31.68 36.80 1.08 0.22 169.5 80.39 78.52 287.78 69348 34.71 63.33 64.01 61.43 65.07 1.08 0.28 159.5 80.56 78.82 286.72 69480 25.18 49.13 69.89 80.77 77.75 1.06 0.32 147.1 80.75 79.08 286.38 69612 29.81 45.26 35.31 26.72 32.82 1.05 0.26 212.7 80.93 79.49 285.81 69744 32.04 53.22 43.04 35.02 40.84 0.99 0.19 183.0 81.12 79.64 285.79 69974 30.50 53.29 38.32 27.73 35.15 0.99 0.17 199.4 81.48 80.00 285.44 70106 33.24 52.74 41.02 34.93 40.74 0.98 0.28 113.3 81.69 79.98 285.27 70238 29.38 45.54 47.20 37.71 43.23 0.98 0.20 115.9 81.91 80.02 284.28 70370 34.19 57.40 48.51 47.99 51.99 0.98 0.28 40.5 82.13 80.19 283.73 70502 39.97 61.15 44.81 34.62 42.23 0.99 0.16 127.2 82.36 80.23 283.75 70634 32.84 60.21 49.39 35.88 44.63 1.00 0.24 107.7 82.58 80.52 283.79 70765 39.09 68.77 50.80 39.61 47.86 0.98 0.29 104.8 82.81 80.43 282.70 70897 43.83 57.50 38.33 20.03 30.77 0.98 0.09 206.8 83.05 81.31 281.88 71029 36.14 76.60 62.17 49.41 58.59 0.95 0.23 105.8 83.29 81.53 281.48 71161 44.60 59.70 39.67 21.23 31.23 0.81 0.14 129.6 83.50 64.37 187.36 71391 45.51 166.58 36.70 18.89 30.30 0.70 0.33 46.8 83.14 84.41 101.33 71523 65.90 139.90 45.28 37.38 45.76 0.73 0.08 103.2 82.90 83.83 102.18 71655 52.32 115.83 41.38 29.42 38.26 0.78 0.07 90.9 82.64 81.94 99.87 71787 71.22 102.35 34.79 25.22 33.09 0.77 0.12 156.4 82.40 81.42 100.06 71919 79.59 114.34 45.52 39.47 46.45 0.75 0.13 269.7 82.16 82.23 100.17 72051 79.38 77.13 49.69 45.53 50.54 0.80 0.11 328.6 81.91 81.36 99.82 72183 30.71 113.14 40.22 34.35 40.88 0.80 0.41 67.6 81.66 84.30 99.42 72314 56.94 115.93 34.94 26.64 34.35 0.81 0.17 104.6 81.41 83.19 98.81 72446 59.49 99.16 57.47 52.42 58.09 0.79 0.23 480.9 81.18 83.13 98.49 72578 40.68 103.98 32.21 23.71 31.04 0.83 0.30 219.7 80.95 82.08 97.42 72809 41.20 90.33 33.60 25.24 32.64 0.81 0.23 109.2 80.54 82.01 97.38 72940 37.78 81.74 46.90 40.50 46.76 0.86 0.35 224.3 80.32 82.27 97.25 73072 33.14 61.64 37.33 29.15 35.24 0.88 0.31 145.0 80.08 82.20 96.05 73204 45.53 81.01 58.61 53.94 59.42 0.85 0.15 161.3 79.84 81.55 94.88 73336 39.11 97.08 69.20 66.27 70.62 0.83 0.38 118.4 79.62 81.23 94.24 73468 41.10 100.54 60.97 53.04 60.08 0.86 0.42 152.7 79.39 81.33 93.58 73600 44.76 102.47 66.74 67.04 71.60 0.87 0.33 203.9 79.16 82.13 91.48 73732 31.30 59.13 66.33 60.65 64.45 0.91 0.37 105.4 78.94 80.05 91.86 73863 29.51 51.29 30.18 19.83 27.19 0.90 0.41 162.6 78.73 80.30 91.65 73995 26.67 47.61 30.79 23.02 27.65 0.91 0.39 190.5 78.52 80.51 91.41 74226 27.09 49.73 32.65 20.96 29.05 0.90 0.41 211.5 78.15 80.80 88.62 74358 27.36 46.28 32.55 32.79 35.67 0.91 0.37 183.9 77.94 80.24 89.55 74490 33.58 63.06 70.53 79.44 79.38 0.91 0.34 153.2 77.74 80.20 88.50 74621 39.86 81.75 57.73 31.25 45.32 0.92 0.33 163.2 77.54 79.65 88.46 74753 43.17 91.72 93.24 99.78 97.78 0.94 0.37 166.4 77.35 79.44 91.61 74885 31.28 52.83 33.45 19.28 27.33 0.90 0.47 127.7 77.15 79.96 91.00 75017 36.57 67.18 36.02 22.54 31.49 0.93 0.35 141.9 76.96 79.10 88.65 75149 42.91 90.68 60.00 47.17 54.84 0.93 0.48 159.5 76.78 78.92 89.80 75281 36.72 69.05 39.78 29.04 36.75 0.94 0.41 190.6 76.60 78.86 89.15 75413 34.30 61.45 47.22 36.61 43.10 0.93 0.49 184.5 76.41 78.62 89.26 75643 28.67 43.77 28.52 20.57 26.55 0.95 0.51 146.4 76.11 77.83 88.35 75775 30.85 53.24 45.72 37.51 42.23 0.93 0.57 143.8 75.94 78.26 87.05 75907 32.84 56.35 32.97 21.90 29.44 0.91 0.50 178.4 75.77 78.85 87.73 76039 29.15 44.70 45.36 38.20 43.48 0.94 0.51 147.5 75.60 78.64 86.72 76170 33.43 51.24 30.49 24.11 30.45 0.93 0.48 157.8 75.45 77.54 85.32 76302 27.38 40.06 30.68 17.04 25.49 0.94 0.55 169.7 75.31 77.53 85.77 76434 29.87 46.03 42.12 40.08 42.81 0.93 0.57 167.4 75.16 77.30 84.38 76566 27.09 39.87 19.18 11.64 17.80 0.91 0.62 180.5 75.02 77.66 84.04 76698 28.12 40.74 20.23 11.69 18.24 0.96 0.61 166.4 74.89 76.87 83.29 76830 30.83 46.94 25.28 22.23 25.50 0.92 0.61 185.8 74.75 76.82 81.59 77060 40.37 61.35 34.85 29.21 35.80 0.86 0.36 201.7 74.53 76.02 74.42 77192 34.92 56.17 33.04 25.24 31.69 0.91 0.51 200.0 74.42 76.97 73.84 77324 32.09 47.82 29.41 21.99 27.72 0.93 0.50 185.4 74.30 76.07 72.53 77456 33.20 48.92 48.82 46.68 49.21 0.92 0.57 185.7 74.18 76.53 71.09 77588 39.15 63.70 42.73 38.15 44.10 0.92 0.51 182.8 74.08 76.21 70.65 77720 35.10 55.36 46.33 38.69 43.61 0.91 0.55 176.6 73.97 76.56 70.24 77851 44.30 72.45 84.33 85.99 84.81 0.96 0.56 178.3 73.87 75.86 69.79 77983 46.78 79.19 78.75 85.19 84.24 1.00 0.53 186.5 73.78 75.78 69.67 78115 42.38 65.14 49.87 40.14 46.25 1.02 0.56 197.4 73.68 75.54 68.31 78247 37.25 61.07 60.20 60.05 61.25 1.05 0.67 199.8 73.60 75.50 68.27 78477 28.94 39.97 41.11 37.79 40.48 1.02 0.65 190.5 73.47 75.60 66.82 78609 26.63 32.86 18.09 11.61 16.49 1.01 0.61 182.2 73.41 75.48 66.93 78741 25.57 32.32 17.90 11.87 16.24 1.01 0.65 173.2 73.34 75.65 67.28 78873 25.95 31.40 18.63 14.35 18.11 1.01 0.66 182.3 73.29 75.40 66.64 79005 27.19 32.63 17.35 10.84 15.68 0.98 0.61 196.6 73.23 75.39 66.17 79137 25.85 32.27 18.07 13.10 17.10 1.00 0.71 169.9 73.18 75.35 66.24 79269 26.05 31.84 18.12 12.41 17.02 1.01 0.71 173.6 73.13 75.26 65.86 79400 31.05 44.62 38.78 33.03 36.86 1.03 0.68 178.8 73.10 74.88 65.82 79532 33.84 49.60 48.52 43.13 46.68 1.07 0.73 208.7 73.06 75.03 65.19 79664 33.70 48.70 45.53 40.78 44.68 1.06 0.77 192.4 73.02 74.93 64.54 79895 27.86 39.30 32.50 27.32 30.78 1.06 0.87 170.2 72.97 74.75 62.93 80026 31.39 43.75 46.70 44.33 46.03 1.06 0.75 180.0 72.95 75.21 62.16 80158 29.85 40.28 36.74 30.04 34.48 1.05 0.84 165.3 72.94 74.89 61.76 80290 28.43 42.07 31.59 25.91 30.60 1.06 0.91 152.8 72.93 74.80 61.22 80422 24.31 30.26 18.23 11.80 16.41 1.05 0.84 164.0 72.92 74.86 61.09 80554 25.94 32.25 19.28 13.80 17.17 1.01 0.81 164.4 72.93 74.97 61.32 80686 23.68 29.92 15.39 8.84 13.65 1.05 0.94 187.4 72.94 74.24 60.63 80818 25.00 31.62 15.35 8.53 13.77 1.00 0.84 157.5 72.95 74.83 59.75 80949 23.80 31.05 18.53 11.91 16.75 1.09 0.83 163.6 72.97 73.85 59.43 81081 28.05 38.76 20.10 13.88 19.28 1.07 0.87 156.4 73.00 74.67 58.72 81312 26.42 33.38 20.36 13.84 19.30 1.07 0.75 176.1 73.03 75.59 55.85 81444 25.56 32.10 16.34 9.00 14.62 1.07 0.76 187.4 73.08 75.24 55.84 81575 23.72 30.06 17.80 10.79 16.03 1.10 0.97 162.8 73.12 74.65 56.53 81707 26.76 33.64 17.46 10.20 15.62 1.05 0.79 161.5 73.16 75.14 54.72 81839 25.58 31.05 18.21 11.01 16.29 1.07 0.81 171.8 73.22 74.76 54.47 81971 25.61 31.25 19.88 13.95 18.51 1.08 0.85 164.5 73.28 74.30 54.06 82103 35.87 42.94 18.32 13.26 18.05 0.96 0.59 182.8 73.32 85.57 118.58 82235 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 238.5 73.53 86.37 224.19 82367 23.62 28.41 16.09 11.58 15.67 1.12 0.80 171.7 73.99 71.49 317.53 82499 61.90 77.65 21.51 13.76 20.32 0.73 0.39 178.2 74.21 74.34 47.20 82729 27.97 37.41 23.40 16.68 21.83 1.11 0.90 175.6 74.36 75.94 51.71 82861 26.41 33.80 22.33 14.29 19.58 1.12 0.83 171.4 74.44 75.88 50.49 82993 26.06 33.96 22.74 14.09 19.82 1.13 0.85 161.7 74.53 75.83 50.72 83125 26.36 33.00 18.98 11.97 17.70 1.10 0.79 183.7 74.62 75.96 50.34 83256 25.15 29.99 16.86 9.84 15.33 1.15 0.83 144.7 74.73 73.44 49.60 83388 23.40 25.85 17.09 11.51 16.23 1.28 0.88 161.5 74.82 73.14 49.82 83520 32.34 31.59 17.78 10.50 15.96 1.00 0.61 186.7 74.94 76.21 50.83 83652 30.95 30.64 19.95 14.55 18.67 1.00 0.58 212.9 75.06 73.85 53.34 83784 18.70 16.97 12.40 8.80 11.44 1.35 0.69 197.7 75.23 74.30 26.92 83916 16.29 16.86 16.69 17.03 17.57 1.85 0.95 191.2 75.59 70.92 243.69 84146 22.71 23.22 12.11 9.30 11.53 1.04 0.51 193.8 76.18 77.29 190.42 84278 22.97 20.10 10.84 7.67 11.14 0.96 0.35 193.2 76.51 78.30 189.52 84410 13.23 11.54 10.67 13.00 13.29 1.21 0.42 253.1 76.86 79.42 200.66 84542 11.49 12.82 7.96 5.94 8.42 0.82 0.31 187.7 77.23 80.43 206.43 84674 9.50 6.26 3.76 3.07 5.48 1.00 0.26 170.5 77.59 78.03 203.65 84805 2.55 2.68 2.71 3.65 5.55 1.00 0.30 178.8 77.96 79.04 202.23 84937 4.07 4.13 4.88 6.25 6.02 1.04 0.39 212.7 78.31 78.20 203.86 85069 10.62 5.49 9.74 13.42 12.59 0.82 0.34 206.0 78.67 77.11 206.88