40, 1001 HINTSA, ERIC; MOORE, FRED; NANCE, DAVID; DUTTON, GEOFF; HALL, BRAD; ELKINS, JAMES CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA/ESRL/GMD UCATS TDL water vapor ATom-1 1, 1 2016, 07, 26, 2017, 05, 25 0 Start_UTC, seconds, ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS FROM 00:00:00 GMT ON FLIGHT DATE TO START OF SAMPLING 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 -99999, -99999, -99999 Stop_UTC, seconds, elapsed time in GMT on flight date to end of sampling H2O_UWV, UCATS WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO (PPM) H2Oe_UWV, UCATS WATER VAPOR ERROR (PPM) 4 ATom-1 UCATS TDL water vapor data were severely affected by reduced pressure at the inlet. Calibrations showed that the TDL instrument was fine, but with insufficient flow through the cell the data will only be qualitative. If anyone is interested in the data, please contact the PIs. 19 PI_CONTACT_INFO: NOAA/ESRL/GMD, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO; email: Eric.J.Hintsa@noaa.gov, James.W.Elkins@noaa.gov PLATFORM: DC-8 LOCATION: Aircraft location in separate file ASSOCIATED_DATA: MMS-1HZ INSTRUMENT_INFO: UCATS TDL water vapor DATA_INFO: Units are ppm UNCERTAINTY: Uncertainty is 5% + 1 ppm ULOD_FLAG: -7777 ULOD_VALUE: N/A LLOD_FLAG: -8888 LLOD_VALUE: N/A DM_CONTACT_INFO: Geoff Dutton, NOAA, geoff.dutton@noaa.gov PROJECT_INFO: ATom-1 mission, July-August 2016 STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Please contact the PIs OTHER_COMMENTS: N/A REVISION: R1 R0: Preliminary data! R1: All data removed; see comments above Start_UTC, Stop_UTC, H2O_UWV, H2Oe_UWV 69389.1, 69390.6, -99999, -99999