35 1001 Cohen, Ronald University of California, Berkeley TD-LIF: Thermal Dissociation - Laser Induced Fluorescence of nitrogen dioxide from thermal dissociated nitric acid TC4 1 1 2007 07 21 2007 11 12 0 start_UTC, s {number of seconds from 000000 UTC} 4 1 1 1 1 999999 999999 999999 999999 stop_UTC, s mid_UTC, s HNO3, pptv {Nitric acid = 580 C channel - 330 C channel, pptv} HNO3sigma 0 17 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: Chemistry Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; cohen@cchem.berkeley.edu; 510-642-2357 PLATFORM: NASA DC-8 LOCATION: DC8_AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATED_DATA: N/A INSTRUMENT_INFO: NO2 laser induced fluorescence following thermal dissociation of nitrooxy compounds DATA_INFO: All data in pptv. Measurement cycle is 20 seconds on, 5 seconds off at approximately 1 Hz. UNCERTAINTY: estimate of NO2 calibration bottle accuracy is +/-5 percent ULOD_FLAG: -7777 ULOD_VALUE: N/A LLOD_FLAG: -8888 LLOD_VALUE: N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; DM_CONTACT_INFO: Paul Wooldridge, UC Berkeley, pjwool@berkeley.edu PROJECT_INFO: TC4; 13 July - 13 August 2007 STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data requires PRIOR OK from the PI OTHER_COMMENTS: N/A Revision 1: Corrected for quenching of NO2 fluoresence by H2O using DLH data, further chemical corrections pending. start_UTC(s), stop_UTC(s), mid_UTC(s), HNO3(pptv), HNO3_sigma(pptv) 43537 43547 43542 999999 999999