38 1010 Kreidenweis, Sonia M.; Chen, Yalei; Rogers, David C. and DeMott, Paul J. Colorado State University DC-8 Ice Nuclei and Ambient Aerosol Chemical Composition SUCCESS 1 1 1996 05 08 1997 06 26 0 Midpoint of sampling interval in elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours on the day given by DATE 5 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 Crustal; particle number fraction Sulfate; particle number fraction Carbonaceous; particle number fraction Metallic; particle number fraction Other; particle number fraction 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 99999 99999 99999 Start Time; seconds Stop Time; seconds Sample type; 1=IN, 2=CN 0 13 The definitions of the groups above are referenced to the paper "Single particle analyses of ice nucleating aerosols in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere", which was submitted to the SUCCESS special section of Geophysical Research Letters. The particle number fractions are reported with respect to the total particles analyzed by energy disperse spectrometer with transmission electron microscope. Analyses are limited to aerosol diameters above 100 nm. Start and stop times (in Universal Time) for individual samples are reported in seconds of the day (1 day = 86400 seconds). IN are ice nuclei, and CN are ambient aerosol compositions. Questions about the data to S. M. Kreidenweis at: Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 e-mail: soniak@aerosol.atmos.colostate.edu 63577 62474 64680 1 188 62 562 188 0 66839 64790 68888 1 458 146 375 21 0 68510 68100 68920 2 183 364 359 79 15 70917 69054 72780 1 351 27 432 162 27 73440 72990 73890 2 45 773 66 52 64 73706 72960 74452 1 316 0 474 52 158 75583 74650 76516 1 333 67 400 200 0 76980 76560 77400 1 300 33 500 167 0