198 1001 Toon, Geoffrey JPL MkIV Balloon Interferometer SOLVE2/VINTERSOL Sunrise Profiles, 16-Dec-2002, Esrange, Sweden 1 1 2002 12 16 2003 10 21 1.0 record_# 85 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 year day hour tplat tplong asza altitude temp pres dens theta h2o h2o_error co2 co2_error tco2 tco2_error _o3 _o3_error n2o n2o_error _co _co_error ch4 ch4_error _no _no_error no2 no2_error hno3 hno3_error _hf _hf_error hcl hcl_error clo clo_error ocs ocs_error h2co h2co_error hocl hocl_error ho2 ho2_error h2o2 h2o2_error ho2no2 ho2no2_error n2o5 n2o5_error clno3 clno3_error hcn hcn_error ch3cl ch3cl_error cf4 cf4_error ccl2f2 ccl2f2_error ccl3f ccl3f_error ccl4 ccl4_error cof2 cof2_error c2h6 c2h6_error c2h2 c2h2_error _n2 _n2_error chclf2 chclf2_error cocl2 cocl2_error hcooh hcooh_error hdo hdo_error sf6 sf6_error f113 f113_error 6 The following programs created this file: SS2AMES Version 3.0.0 7-Feb-2000 GCT DIURNRET Version 4.9.11 29-Oct-2001 GCT GGGAVG Version 2.2.1 20-Dec-2002 GCT GFIT Version 2.12.2 4-Nov-2002 GCT GSETUP Version 2.1.1 24 May 2001 GCT toon 65 The following vmr profiles were retrieved from solar occultation spectra measured by the JPL MkIV Interferometer, a FTIR spectrometer, measuring the entire 650 to 5650 cm-1 region simultaneously at 0.01 cm-1 spectral resolution. The CNES-launched balloon attained a float altitude of 32 km, from where the sunrise was observed. 90 spectra were obtained over a range of zenith angles from 94.7 to 91.5 deg, corresponding to 11-30 km altitude. Note that all of the gases were retrieved from the same spectra and can therefore be considered as simultaneous measurements in the same airmass. Profiles for NO, NO2, and N2O5 have not yet been diurnally corrected using the procedue described by Sen et al. (JGR, 103, 3571, 1998) based on curves for dGAS/dSZA calculated by G. Osterman for conditions of this flight. Although these profiles are retrieved on a 1 km vertical grid, their real vertical resolution is 2 km. Therefore, a retrieved value cannot be considered independent of those at neighboring levels. Since we use CO2 absorption lines to determine the observation geometry, we cannot claim to also measure the CO2 profile. We therefore report the CO2 profile that was assumed in the determination of the viewing geometry. The errors tabulated in the main part of the data file represent the 1-sigma measurement precisions. These errors are appropriate for comparing MkIV profiles measured during different balloon flights. For most gases, the main systematic error in the retrieved profiles arises from the presence of (unknown and unacounted) horizontal gradients in composition, and by uncertainties in the spectroscopic parameters (of both the target gas and any interfering gases). We estimate that in the stratosphere these spectroscopic errors could be as large as: h2o 7% co2 5% o3 6% n2o 5% co 5% ch4 5% no 5% no2 10% hno3 12% hf 5% hcl 5% clo 15% ocs 10% h2co 15% hocl 20% h2o2 25% hno4 20% n2o5 15% clno3 10% hcn 6% ch3cl 15% cf4 10% f12 10% f11 10% ccl4 10% cof2 10% c2h6 15% c2h2 10% n2 7% f22 10% cocl2 35% hcooh 15% hdo 7% sf6 10% f113 20% Note that the data in this file can also be obtained in a spreadsheet format by anonymous FTP to mark4sun.jpl.nasa.gov:ftp/pub/outgoing/balloon/m420021216__esn_sunrise_r1.bal.ss --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2002.959129 350.32154 7.71676 63.41703 32.54396 90.00000 12.00000 207.75999 1.7053E+02 5.9450E+18 3.4586E+02 5.5266E-06 6.5985E-07 3.7285E-04 3.8789E-05 3.6925E-04 6.4570E-05 7.1311E-08 1.6380E-07 3.3473E-07 1.2037E-08 4.4942E-08 5.3266E-09 1.8501E-06 1.0707E-07 4.9426E-12 4.8410E-11 2.9066E-11 2.4254E-11 -1.3076E-10 6.7844E-10 8.8408E-12 1.4396E-10 4.8579E-11 1.5916E-10 -5.9769E-11 1.7205E-10 5.0999E-10 9.2182E-11 2.8364E-11 4.9133E-11 -8.4149E-12 1.4873E-11 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 1.0431E-11 1.1674E-11 2.5522E-12 2.1292E-11 1.2214E-11 5.8394E-11 -9.3144E-12 9.6840E-11 2.1356E-10 2.4569E-11 4.5019E-10 1.7767E-10 7.2385E-11 1.8040E-11 5.7034E-10 5.6282E-11 2.7444E-10 3.0939E-11 1.1587E-10 1.8651E-11 4.1347E-12 2.1750E-11 2.2630E-10 3.9792E-11 1.7160E-11 5.4913E-12 9.0669E-01 1.7921E-01 1.7681E-10 3.6791E-11 1.7085E-11 8.9093E-12 7.4282E-12 2.5063E-11 2.5323E-06 3.3178E-07 5.3596E-12 1.2699E-12 9.2649E-11 3.4117E-11 2 2002.959133 350.32344 7.76238 63.53170 32.36144 90.00000 13.00000 207.09000 1.4469E+02 5.0610E+18 3.6133E+02 4.7207E-06 1.6734E-07 3.7104E-04 1.0058E-05 3.6836E-04 1.8757E-05 3.7073E-07 4.0501E-08 3.0945E-07 3.1542E-09 3.3185E-08 1.4824E-09 1.7721E-06 2.9185E-08 1.0987E-11 1.2692E-11 2.6027E-11 6.5739E-12 6.7794E-10 2.0164E-10 5.7462E-11 3.8478E-11 2.3094E-10 4.2704E-11 -4.0087E-11 6.7572E-11 4.7914E-10 3.3706E-11 2.6745E-11 2.8109E-11 -1.7110E-12 6.3956E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 1.1197E-11 5.1324E-12 6.7186E-12 9.7180E-12 1.8459E-11 1.8610E-11 2.9993E-11 2.5847E-11 2.1658E-10 6.3231E-12 4.3676E-10 6.3270E-11 7.1211E-11 6.5482E-12 5.3844E-10 1.5932E-11 2.5002E-10 8.9271E-12 1.0249E-10 5.7187E-12 1.6809E-11 6.1074E-12 1.4177E-10 1.3155E-11 1.1797E-11 2.0104E-12 8.5834E-01 6.6938E-02 1.6207E-10 1.0172E-11 1.9027E-11 2.7255E-12 5.8178E-12 1.3890E-11 2.2247E-06 8.5477E-08 5.2215E-12 3.4895E-13 9.1154E-11 9.7547E-12 3 2002.959139 350.32565 7.81553 63.66483 32.15175 90.00000 14.00000 206.31000 1.2270E+02 4.3070E+18 3.7735E+02 3.9646E-06 1.2387E-07 3.6860E-04 6.7744E-06 3.7062E-04 1.7647E-05 7.2288E-07 2.6021E-08 2.8512E-07 2.3832E-09 2.0694E-08 1.1040E-09 1.6815E-06 2.3352E-08 1.7694E-11 9.8310E-12 2.2091E-11 4.9858E-12 1.8595E-09 1.9040E-10 1.2272E-10 3.2235E-11 4.4868E-10 3.4149E-11 -1.3133E-11 6.0254E-11 4.3757E-10 2.5660E-11 2.0966E-11 1.6088E-11 7.9134E-12 5.3198E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 1.2117E-11 3.8134E-12 1.1466E-11 7.3411E-12 2.5638E-11 1.6490E-11 8.4329E-11 2.6870E-11 2.1196E-10 4.3922E-12 4.2299E-10 5.1730E-11 6.9645E-11 6.1273E-12 5.0256E-10 1.4275E-11 2.2158E-10 7.4279E-12 8.7565E-11 4.6523E-12 3.4175E-11 5.9425E-12 5.7148E-11 1.0575E-11 6.2329E-12 1.5410E-12 7.9229E-01 4.5375E-02 1.4740E-10 9.6256E-12 2.1408E-11 2.7329E-12 3.8178E-12 8.7115E-12 1.8932E-06 5.7750E-08 5.0307E-12 2.9688E-13 8.9988E-11 9.3021E-12 4 2002.959145 350.32767 7.86417 63.78504 31.96606 90.00000 15.00000 205.25000 1.0396E+02 3.6690E+18 3.9364E+02 4.0268E-06 1.4207E-07 3.6675E-04 6.5526E-06 3.7976E-04 1.7648E-05 1.0411E-06 3.3190E-08 2.7649E-07 2.3728E-09 1.6656E-08 1.0832E-09 1.6276E-06 2.4355E-08 1.5839E-11 1.1538E-11 1.7780E-11 5.5512E-12 3.0329E-09 2.3639E-10 1.8228E-10 3.5621E-11 5.5905E-10 3.6757E-11 -9.5355E-12 6.4359E-11 3.8927E-10 2.2898E-11 9.5106E-12 1.4911E-11 1.4009E-11 5.8232E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 1.2043E-11 3.9476E-12 1.0770E-11 7.7352E-12 2.3003E-11 1.6901E-11 1.5941E-10 2.9957E-11 1.8992E-10 4.7798E-12 3.9654E-10 4.8740E-11 6.7777E-11 6.3344E-12 4.7910E-10 1.4295E-11 1.9896E-10 7.2187E-12 7.7575E-11 4.3500E-12 5.2223E-11 6.1750E-12 1.5714E-11 1.0116E-11 2.3311E-12 1.4028E-12 7.4591E-01 4.0334E-02 1.5015E-10 1.0308E-11 2.3441E-11 2.8456E-12 2.4910E-12 9.0513E-12 1.9565E-06 6.6406E-08 4.8977E-12 3.1766E-13 9.1509E-11 9.8223E-12 5 2002.959150 350.32950 7.90807 63.89331 31.80756 90.00000 16.00000 202.99001 8.8001E+01 3.1400E+18 4.0831E+02 4.1151E-06 1.7995E-07 3.6781E-04 8.4096E-06 3.5975E-04 1.9262E-05 1.4584E-06 4.6805E-08 2.5295E-07 2.5785E-09 1.4920E-08 1.3239E-09 1.5165E-06 2.6303E-08 3.0855E-12 1.4325E-11 2.7949E-11 6.6338E-12 4.4630E-09 2.9789E-10 2.9549E-10 4.7050E-11 8.5833E-10 5.0829E-11 -2.3337E-11 7.6854E-11 3.3300E-10 2.3400E-11 6.1758E-12 1.6073E-11 1.7351E-11 6.8806E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 9.3888E-12 4.1840E-12 7.7708E-12 9.1305E-12 1.5180E-11 1.7677E-11 2.7076E-10 3.7742E-11 1.8546E-10 6.0769E-12 3.3398E-10 5.9091E-11 6.5868E-11 7.4257E-12 4.3626E-10 1.5267E-11 1.6411E-10 6.5900E-12 6.0619E-11 4.3139E-12 7.8185E-11 7.6424E-12 8.6123E-12 1.1012E-11 3.7386E-13 1.5170E-12 7.9013E-01 4.2469E-02 1.4084E-10 1.0999E-11 2.5673E-11 3.2666E-12 1.6869E-12 1.0030E-11 1.8530E-06 7.5513E-08 4.6877E-12 3.9768E-13 8.1780E-11 1.1618E-11 6 2002.959156 350.33160 7.95853 64.01792 31.64231 90.00000 17.00000 199.67000 7.4312E+01 2.6960E+18 4.2153E+02 4.3809E-06 1.7300E-07 3.6756E-04 7.8313E-06 3.7626E-04 1.6864E-05 1.8830E-06 4.5329E-08 2.2589E-07 2.1079E-09 1.3960E-08 1.2244E-09 1.4134E-06 2.1400E-08 1.4318E-11 1.4955E-11 4.2493E-11 6.7132E-12 5.9482E-09 3.1553E-10 4.3169E-10 5.1850E-11 9.3440E-10 4.4125E-11 -7.1351E-12 7.8397E-11 2.6870E-10 1.6946E-11 1.1224E-11 1.6443E-11 1.9815E-11 6.4291E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 6.1958E-12 3.6400E-12 4.6098E-12 9.3017E-12 1.8830E-11 1.6854E-11 3.8501E-10 3.6623E-11 1.7578E-10 5.5804E-12 2.5434E-10 5.4785E-11 6.5131E-11 7.1375E-12 3.8587E-10 1.2541E-11 1.2620E-10 5.1538E-12 4.5099E-11 3.5620E-12 1.0548E-10 7.3252E-12 1.5416E-11 1.0101E-11 -2.8460E-13 1.4228E-12 8.0571E-01 3.6810E-02 1.3761E-10 9.9983E-12 2.3495E-11 3.0939E-12 1.3822E-12 1.0105E-11 2.1291E-06 7.1403E-08 4.4372E-12 3.6557E-13 7.4685E-11 1.1188E-11 7 2002.959162 350.33360 8.00645 64.13423 31.49122 90.00000 18.00000 198.57001 6.2629E+01 2.2840E+18 4.4022E+02 4.5727E-06 2.1837E-07 3.6699E-04 9.8067E-06 3.6903E-04 1.8811E-05 2.2169E-06 5.9137E-08 2.0147E-07 2.2252E-09 1.4366E-08 1.4988E-09 1.3137E-06 2.4265E-08 1.1758E-11 1.8943E-11 5.0816E-11 8.4665E-12 8.1007E-09 3.8926E-10 5.4459E-10 6.6094E-11 9.6264E-10 5.5506E-11 8.5676E-11 9.4023E-11 2.0432E-10 1.4601E-11 1.8441E-11 1.7802E-11 2.5096E-11 7.1375E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 4.5065E-12 3.7323E-12 4.1663E-12 1.0391E-11 1.7132E-11 2.0050E-11 4.3506E-10 4.4215E-11 1.7448E-10 6.8551E-12 1.9558E-10 5.7043E-11 6.5888E-11 7.7972E-12 3.3127E-10 1.2585E-11 8.8942E-11 5.0433E-12 3.0934E-11 3.8735E-12 1.2845E-10 9.0400E-12 2.3324E-11 1.0908E-11 -1.5171E-13 1.4214E-12 8.1882E-01 4.1302E-02 1.1591E-10 1.1742E-11 2.1114E-11 3.4532E-12 2.1876E-12 1.0589E-11 2.2444E-06 9.6067E-08 4.0625E-12 4.3210E-13 4.5553E-11 1.3261E-11 8 2002.959168 350.33578 8.05890 64.25879 31.33085 90.00000 19.00000 197.58000 5.2740E+01 1.9330E+18 4.6009E+02 4.9787E-06 2.1271E-07 3.6693E-04 9.4027E-06 3.5997E-04 1.7207E-05 2.5585E-06 5.6190E-08 1.6512E-07 1.8123E-09 1.5248E-08 1.4228E-09 1.1792E-06 2.1069E-08 5.6488E-12 1.9340E-11 6.4290E-11 8.3169E-12 1.1587E-08 4.0193E-10 6.8721E-10 7.0459E-11 1.0854E-09 5.2874E-11 1.7170E-10 1.0387E-10 1.6385E-10 1.0633E-11 1.9369E-11 1.7826E-11 2.7547E-11 7.3409E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 4.5003E-12 3.7517E-12 7.9006E-12 1.1307E-11 1.2837E-11 2.0228E-11 3.9551E-10 4.4765E-11 1.6820E-10 6.4350E-12 1.6676E-10 5.4329E-11 6.7464E-11 7.8091E-12 2.7732E-10 1.0240E-11 5.9234E-11 4.4132E-12 2.2451E-11 3.6153E-12 1.6229E-10 8.9599E-12 2.8720E-11 1.1195E-11 5.5434E-13 1.4766E-12 7.9147E-01 3.7177E-02 1.0455E-10 1.1529E-11 1.9219E-11 3.3947E-12 4.7899E-12 1.1289E-11 2.4562E-06 9.2578E-08 4.2295E-12 4.3016E-13 3.9066E-11 1.3826E-11 9 2002.959174 350.33824 8.11776 64.39690 31.16541 90.00000 20.00000 195.64000 4.4360E+01 1.6420E+18 4.7869E+02 5.1330E-06 1.8405E-07 3.6675E-04 7.8920E-06 3.7373E-04 1.3858E-05 2.9285E-06 4.7329E-08 1.7455E-07 1.2212E-09 1.4678E-08 1.2725E-09 1.2128E-06 1.5590E-08 3.0257E-13 1.9841E-11 7.0461E-11 7.7480E-12 1.4612E-08 3.7308E-10 7.5149E-10 7.4140E-11 9.2286E-10 4.6464E-11 2.8967E-10 1.1016E-10 1.4607E-10 6.7213E-12 5.7935E-12 1.7001E-11 2.2932E-11 7.0199E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 5.9982E-12 3.5235E-12 1.0572E-11 1.1507E-11 5.0370E-12 2.0236E-11 2.8464E-10 4.3503E-11 1.6914E-10 5.5568E-12 1.3917E-10 4.9908E-11 6.9316E-11 7.4056E-12 2.6277E-10 7.2560E-12 3.7204E-11 3.6165E-12 1.4447E-11 3.3225E-12 1.7402E-10 8.1087E-12 2.9644E-11 1.0936E-11 1.2245E-12 1.5037E-12 8.1891E-01 3.0052E-02 9.7411E-11 1.0912E-11 1.5075E-11 3.3600E-12 7.6915E-12 1.1563E-11 2.4582E-06 7.9340E-08 4.2285E-12 4.1081E-13 1.1089E-10 1.4043E-11 10 2002.959181 350.34060 8.17443 64.52768 31.01936 90.00000 21.00000 194.57001 3.7267E+01 1.3870E+18 5.0039E+02 5.7724E-06 2.1146E-07 3.6668E-04 8.8924E-06 3.6200E-04 1.5130E-05 3.0307E-06 5.4230E-08 9.3452E-08 9.2871E-10 1.5795E-08 1.4730E-09 9.4617E-07 1.4666E-08 1.4495E-11 2.4179E-11 7.9237E-11 9.4516E-12 1.3391E-08 3.9553E-10 1.0022E-09 8.9016E-11 9.6525E-10 5.6243E-11 5.9485E-10 1.2835E-10 4.9010E-11 4.3325E-12 -3.3843E-12 1.7608E-11 1.8558E-11 7.3621E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 8.5659E-12 3.6608E-12 1.1390E-11 1.2518E-11 -1.1102E-11 2.4430E-11 1.4171E-10 4.7756E-11 1.5485E-10 6.1510E-12 7.3804E-11 5.0026E-11 7.0944E-11 7.4591E-12 1.6533E-10 5.8010E-12 1.4335E-11 3.7243E-12 6.6964E-12 3.5088E-12 2.0405E-10 9.0820E-12 2.6131E-11 1.0835E-11 1.1468E-12 1.5600E-12 8.2827E-01 3.3080E-02 9.8977E-11 1.2115E-11 9.1507E-12 3.9905E-12 8.2985E-12 1.2045E-11 2.9572E-06 9.4329E-08 4.3510E-12 4.5755E-13 1.9215E-10 1.5782E-11 11 2002.959188 350.34319 8.23656 64.66870 30.87721 90.00000 22.00000 193.10001 3.1269E+01 1.1730E+18 5.2217E+02 6.3118E-06 2.5752E-07 3.6572E-04 9.9583E-06 3.6231E-04 1.6744E-05 3.0775E-06 6.2877E-08 5.5132E-08 7.1095E-10 1.4525E-08 1.6862E-09 7.4367E-07 1.4935E-08 6.1816E-12 2.8858E-11 9.4874E-11 1.1158E-11 1.1878E-08 3.7839E-10 1.2737E-09 9.8209E-11 6.6583E-10 7.0213E-11 1.0256E-09 1.4012E-10 7.2617E-12 3.9934E-12 -4.2837E-12 1.7866E-11 1.0524E-11 7.6416E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 8.3615E-12 3.7797E-12 1.9309E-11 1.4105E-11 -2.4132E-11 2.7412E-11 3.3647E-11 5.2025E-11 1.3930E-10 6.8237E-12 1.7884E-11 5.0289E-11 7.1577E-11 6.9391E-12 6.4945E-11 5.4306E-12 -6.4519E-12 3.6907E-12 8.5270E-13 3.6223E-12 2.2021E-10 1.0089E-11 2.4847E-11 1.0460E-11 4.7434E-13 1.6133E-12 7.9877E-01 3.7180E-02 9.4883E-11 1.2534E-11 3.9814E-12 4.8555E-12 6.4142E-12 1.2667E-11 3.2581E-06 1.1109E-07 4.4805E-12 5.0482E-13 2.0491E-10 1.6710E-11 12 2002.959196 350.34644 8.31455 64.84180 30.72536 90.00000 23.00000 192.06000 2.6213E+01 9.8850E+17 5.4623E+02 6.5256E-06 1.9800E-07 3.6539E-04 8.3976E-06 3.6041E-04 1.5010E-05 3.1581E-06 4.9473E-08 3.8388E-08 3.7093E-10 1.4570E-08 1.7056E-09 6.7804E-07 1.0934E-08 2.2489E-11 3.1866E-11 1.0073E-10 1.1600E-11 1.2325E-08 3.2868E-10 1.3766E-09 9.8623E-11 1.2978E-10 5.9553E-11 1.4516E-09 1.4741E-10 2.5335E-12 2.8397E-12 -3.3181E-12 1.8003E-11 6.6053E-12 7.6458E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 6.1402E-12 3.4464E-12 2.3147E-11 1.5334E-11 -3.8108E-11 2.9607E-11 2.4419E-11 5.5940E-11 1.3530E-10 6.0616E-12 -1.8287E-12 4.8380E-11 7.1325E-11 6.3367E-12 3.3881E-11 4.1403E-12 -7.8808E-12 3.6585E-12 -1.9715E-12 3.5945E-12 2.1265E-10 9.1071E-12 2.6004E-11 1.0340E-11 -1.6622E-13 1.6235E-12 8.2328E-01 3.2210E-02 7.2623E-11 1.2829E-11 -9.1609E-13 5.0082E-12 3.7857E-12 1.2457E-11 3.4950E-06 1.0176E-07 4.2719E-12 5.2148E-13 1.6825E-10 1.7142E-11 13 2002.959207 350.35032 8.40762 65.04244 30.58036 90.00000 24.00000 191.47000 2.1957E+01 8.3060E+17 5.7286E+02 6.6552E-06 2.0838E-07 3.6542E-04 8.9944E-06 3.7519E-04 1.5559E-05 3.0337E-06 5.2524E-08 2.1980E-08 2.4823E-10 1.4463E-08 1.9596E-09 5.6434E-07 9.8841E-09 8.8096E-11 3.9034E-11 9.7246E-11 1.4293E-11 1.1921E-08 2.8466E-10 1.4198E-09 1.0447E-10 3.0537E-10 7.2600E-11 1.6081E-09 1.5206E-10 5.0415E-13 2.5878E-12 -2.6497E-12 1.9118E-11 1.6653E-11 7.8957E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 3.8271E-12 3.2662E-12 1.2965E-11 1.6392E-11 3.8309E-11 3.5954E-11 3.5642E-10 6.4114E-11 1.3341E-10 6.5316E-12 7.8547E-12 4.6869E-11 7.0337E-11 5.7727E-12 1.4051E-11 3.9851E-12 -9.1296E-12 3.9539E-12 -2.2369E-12 3.6743E-12 1.8338E-10 9.5209E-12 2.6731E-11 9.7798E-12 -5.5147E-13 1.6454E-12 8.1215E-01 3.3789E-02 5.8313E-11 1.3284E-11 -4.8485E-12 5.5681E-12 1.7319E-12 1.1889E-11 3.6824E-06 1.1509E-07 3.8358E-12 5.4899E-13 8.0406E-11 1.7950E-11 14 2002.959218 350.35447 8.50721 65.24675 30.45108 90.00000 25.00000 192.07001 1.8390E+01 6.9350E+17 6.0453E+02 6.9100E-06 2.5139E-07 3.6510E-04 1.0675E-05 3.5805E-04 1.8106E-05 3.0402E-06 6.2892E-08 1.7659E-08 2.1029E-10 1.4355E-08 2.4153E-09 5.3675E-07 1.0269E-08 1.0705E-10 5.1047E-11 1.0655E-10 1.8693E-11 1.1872E-08 2.6416E-10 1.4847E-09 1.1713E-10 1.0721E-09 9.3499E-11 1.2102E-09 1.5612E-10 5.7422E-13 2.6608E-12 -1.1215E-11 2.1082E-11 2.5436E-11 8.6326E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 3.5507E-12 3.3999E-12 -5.3674E-12 1.8426E-11 3.4153E-10 4.5976E-11 9.5775E-10 7.4844E-11 1.2767E-10 7.3202E-12 2.4677E-11 4.8417E-11 6.9441E-11 5.5735E-12 8.0366E-12 4.4108E-12 -1.7424E-11 4.4707E-12 -1.8583E-12 4.0308E-12 1.6180E-10 1.0737E-11 2.6958E-11 9.8695E-12 -6.0205E-13 1.8004E-12 7.9702E-01 3.9619E-02 6.6741E-11 1.4725E-11 -7.4390E-12 8.0874E-12 4.3997E-13 1.1872E-11 3.7812E-06 1.3948E-07 3.4913E-12 6.1431E-13 -4.1747E-12 1.9909E-11 15 2002.959230 350.35861 8.60661 65.43688 30.33362 90.00000 26.00000 192.10001 1.5412E+01 5.8110E+17 6.3597E+02 7.0969E-06 3.0865E-07 3.6439E-04 1.3744E-05 3.4705E-04 2.2061E-05 3.3522E-06 8.0832E-08 1.4414E-08 1.9139E-10 1.5800E-08 3.1813E-09 5.1961E-07 1.2283E-08 3.0925E-10 7.0170E-11 2.1766E-10 2.5848E-11 1.1347E-08 2.5768E-10 1.4870E-09 1.4130E-10 1.7355E-09 1.1805E-10 5.1461E-10 1.6105E-10 3.9733E-13 2.8302E-12 -2.3720E-11 2.4452E-11 2.5719E-11 9.5118E-12 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 4.1758E-12 3.6334E-12 -1.9358E-11 2.3022E-11 8.0359E-10 6.1961E-11 1.3510E-09 9.1872E-11 1.2487E-10 9.0844E-12 2.1513E-11 5.4381E-11 6.9649E-11 5.9266E-12 9.6226E-12 5.0270E-12 -2.6426E-11 5.3253E-12 -2.2004E-13 4.7035E-12 1.5514E-10 1.2816E-11 2.8801E-11 1.0166E-11 -3.4237E-13 2.1705E-12 8.0776E-01 4.9156E-02 6.9132E-11 1.6325E-11 -8.7947E-12 1.1432E-11 1.2384E-13 1.3059E-11 4.0636E-06 1.8247E-07 4.0497E-12 7.0680E-13 -4.3586E-11 2.2778E-11 16 2002.959242 350.36320 8.71685 65.63183 30.23457 90.00000 27.00000 195.20000 1.2929E+01 4.7990E+17 6.7953E+02 7.0849E-06 3.8360E-07 3.6393E-04 1.7360E-05 3.8392E-04 2.7228E-05 3.3943E-06 1.0329E-07 8.2823E-09 1.8462E-10 1.7271E-08 4.0625E-09 4.6158E-07 1.4140E-08 1.4156E-09 9.3495E-11 6.7330E-10 3.4179E-11 9.8305E-09 2.4137E-10 1.4968E-09 1.6654E-10 2.4174E-09 1.4866E-10 8.6227E-11 1.7560E-10 1.6061E-14 3.1184E-12 -3.7233E-11 3.0854E-11 1.9578E-11 1.0914E-11 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 5.1759E-12 3.8941E-12 -2.7921E-11 3.2561E-11 1.2999E-09 7.9689E-11 1.1899E-09 1.0971E-10 1.2165E-10 1.0755E-11 -6.7336E-12 6.8403E-11 6.9882E-11 6.3326E-12 5.2590E-12 5.6716E-12 -1.9038E-11 6.2775E-12 5.3104E-13 6.6068E-12 1.3268E-10 1.4750E-11 2.5058E-11 1.0580E-11 3.8395E-14 2.6583E-12 8.2157E-01 6.1979E-02 5.9266E-11 1.9197E-11 -9.2084E-12 1.4602E-11 2.2594E-12 1.6771E-11 3.8933E-06 2.3228E-07 4.4801E-12 8.2504E-13 -6.0203E-11 2.7530E-11 17 2002.959260 350.36975 8.87397 65.87834 30.16486 90.00000 28.00000 197.52000 1.0882E+01 3.9900E+17 7.2234E+02 7.0895E-06 4.9493E-07 3.6390E-04 2.2644E-05 3.4502E-04 3.4870E-05 3.3349E-06 1.3804E-07 4.3968E-09 2.4658E-10 2.0176E-08 5.1094E-09 3.8372E-07 1.8906E-08 2.6281E-09 1.2050E-10 1.0467E-09 4.4000E-11 7.0421E-09 3.0225E-10 1.5311E-09 1.9785E-10 2.6390E-09 1.8319E-10 -4.1985E-11 2.3035E-10 1.2994E-12 4.0542E-12 -5.1441E-11 4.4072E-11 1.0041E-11 1.4648E-11 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 5.0388E-12 4.7559E-12 -3.2364E-11 4.7718E-11 1.8140E-09 9.9580E-11 9.5639E-10 1.3058E-10 1.0818E-10 1.2872E-11 -4.0760E-11 9.4790E-11 6.9270E-11 7.9312E-12 1.9229E-12 6.8953E-12 -4.9077E-12 8.4484E-12 -2.5994E-13 9.6472E-12 1.0651E-10 1.7776E-11 1.5911E-11 1.3397E-11 2.9286E-13 3.0635E-12 8.1606E-01 7.9481E-02 3.3291E-11 2.7227E-11 -8.8792E-12 1.7022E-11 6.9500E-12 2.3513E-11 3.9695E-06 2.9315E-07 3.8955E-12 1.1164E-12 -8.5534E-11 3.8997E-11 18 2002.959293 350.38179 9.16295 66.24094 30.26372 90.00000 29.00000 199.35001 9.1709E+00 3.3320E+17 7.6560E+02 7.1936E-06 7.4789E-07 3.6319E-04 3.3802E-05 3.5142E-04 5.1565E-05 3.9348E-06 2.0283E-07 3.0639E-09 3.4377E-10 2.3478E-08 8.6696E-09 3.3845E-07 2.6607E-08 3.0277E-09 1.8898E-10 1.0913E-09 6.7609E-11 4.4408E-09 4.1336E-10 1.5403E-09 3.3118E-10 2.3828E-09 2.8375E-10 -6.6931E-11 3.4341E-10 8.8519E-13 6.9329E-12 -5.0915E-11 6.4015E-11 4.7028E-12 2.2988E-11 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 3.8724E-12 7.6491E-12 -2.4221E-11 6.4633E-11 2.1432E-09 1.5690E-10 1.0992E-09 1.9913E-10 1.0656E-10 2.1174E-11 -5.5295E-11 1.3010E-10 6.8560E-11 1.1125E-11 1.5259E-12 1.1992E-11 2.8620E-12 1.3388E-11 -1.6150E-12 1.2902E-11 8.2184E-11 3.0434E-11 1.3671E-11 2.1753E-11 3.7990E-13 3.3136E-12 8.2271E-01 1.1845E-01 1.8856E-11 4.2214E-11 -7.9847E-12 1.8284E-11 1.0302E-11 3.1533E-11 4.1618E-06 4.5712E-07 3.3975E-12 1.8443E-12 -1.1883E-10 6.3789E-11 19 2002.959346 350.40121 9.62906 66.69845 30.67802 90.00000 30.00000 201.66000 7.7433E+00 2.7810E+17 8.1287E+02 7.3208E-06 1.5265E-06 3.6284E-04 6.9509E-05 3.4537E-04 1.0602E-04 4.9065E-06 4.2304E-07 2.9847E-09 7.3087E-10 3.5167E-08 1.6095E-08 3.3404E-07 5.6536E-08 3.2843E-09 3.7851E-10 1.1222E-09 1.3668E-10 2.6460E-09 8.8406E-10 1.5641E-09 5.9633E-10 2.3239E-09 5.6101E-10 -3.3207E-11 4.6183E-10 5.0709E-13 1.0444E-11 -3.3890E-11 8.1248E-11 5.4362E-12 3.2191E-11 9.9999E+29 9.9999E+29 3.2939E-12 1.1243E-11 -1.3004E-11 7.5751E-11 2.1023E-09 3.0886E-10 1.2248E-09 3.9177E-10 1.0162E-10 3.8526E-11 -4.9224E-11 1.5975E-10 6.7774E-11 2.3400E-11 3.0414E-12 2.0025E-11 2.4003E-12 1.9171E-11 -3.1492E-12 1.5339E-11 6.6725E-11 5.2725E-11 1.1764E-11 3.1356E-11 3.8022E-13 3.4598E-12 8.4086E-01 2.4239E-01 1.6237E-11 5.7255E-11 -6.7824E-12 1.8464E-11 1.0887E-11 3.7186E-11 4.1489E-06 9.0986E-07 3.2324E-12 2.6762E-12 -1.3965E-10 9.1108E-11