24 1001 Brian Heikes University of Rhode Island Formaldehyde From Coil Collection SONEX 1 1 1997 11 12 1998 03 18 0 mid-time of sample in UT s 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 999999 999999 99999 start-time of sample in UT (s) end-time of sample in UT (s) CH2O (pptv) 3 data for exchange reported data is not positive definite negative values denote lower limit of detection or upper limit of detection 4 Formaldehyde measurements used the method of Lazrus, et al., 1988. data below detection limit, ch2o=50, reported as -888 data greater than that which is recordable is reported as -777 mid start stop ch2o 36930 36780 37080 99999 37530 37380 37680 -888 38130 37980 38280 53 38730 38580 38880 78 39330 39180 39480 112 39930 39780 40080 95 40530 40380 40680 62 41130 40980 41280 62 41730 41580 41880 -888 42330 42180 42480 78 42930 42780 43080 57 43530 43380 43680 80 44130 43980 44280 194 44730 44580 44880 91 45330 45180 45480 55 45930 45780 46080 75 46530 46380 46680 164 47130 46980 47280 148 47730 47580 47880 126 48330 48180 48480 110 48930 48780 49080 372 49530 49380 49680 455 50130 49980 50280 120 50730 50580 50880 99999 51390 51240 51540 -888 51990 51840 52140 99999 52590 52440 52740 -888 53190 53040 53340 99999 53790 53640 53940 -888 54390 54240 54540 -888 54990 54840 55140 -888 55590 55440 55740 -888 56190 56040 56340 -888 56790 56640 56940 -888 57390 57240 57540 -888 57990 57840 58140 -888 58590 58440 58740 79 59190 59040 59340 -888 59790 59640 59940 99999