24 1001 Brian Heikes University of Rhode Island Formaldehyde From Coil Collection SONEX 1 1 1997 10 23 1998 03 18 0 mid-time of sample in UT s 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 999999 999999 99999 start-time of sample in UT (s) end-time of sample in UT (s) CH2O (pptv) 3 data for exchange reported data is not positive definite negative values denote lower limit of detection or upper limit of detection 4 Formaldehyde measurements used the method of Lazrus, et al., 1988. data below detection limit, ch2o=50, reported as -888 data greater than that which is recordable is reported as -777 mid start stop ch2o 23730 23580 23880 99999 24330 24180 24480 -888 24930 24780 25080 55 25530 25380 25680 -888 26130 25980 26280 -888 26730 26580 26880 60 27330 27180 27480 -888 27930 27780 28080 -888 28530 28380 28680 -888 29130 28980 29280 -888 29730 29580 29880 -888 30330 30180 30480 73 30930 30780 31080 -888 31530 31380 31680 -888 32130 31980 32280 -888 32730 32580 32880 -888 33330 33180 33480 -888 33930 33780 34080 -888 34530 34380 34680 -888 35130 34980 35280 -888 35730 35580 35880 76 36330 36180 36480 -888 36930 36780 37080 -888 37530 37380 37680 -888 38130 37980 38280 -888 38730 38580 38880 -888 39330 39180 39480 -888 39930 39780 40080 -888 40530 40380 40680 -888 41130 40980 41280 -888 41730 41580 41880 -888 42330 42180 42480 -888 42930 42780 43080 64 43530 43380 43680 -888 44130 43980 44280 -888 44730 44580 44880 -888 45330 45180 45480 -888 45930 45780 46080 99999