100 2110 Jucks, Kenneth W. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory FIRS-2 balloon emission spectrometer BOS/ 24 January 2007 Balloon Flight, Esrange, Sweden 1 1 2007 01 24 2007 04 12 0.0 0.0 altitude (km) elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours 43 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E+01 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 h2o Volume mixing ratio h2o Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error o3 Volume mixing ratio o3 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error n2o Volume mixing ratio n2o Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error no2 Volume mixing ratio no2 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hno3 Volume mixing ratio hno3 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error oh Volume mixing ratio oh Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hf Volume mixing ratio hf Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hcl Volume mixing ratio hcl Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hocl Volume mixing ratio hocl Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error h2o2 Volume mixing ratio h2o2 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error ho2 Volume mixing ratio ho2 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error clno3 Volume mixing ratio clno3 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error delta h2o17 parts per thousand delta h2o17 1 sigma error parts per thousand delta h2o18 parts per thousand delta h2o18 1 sigma error parts per thousand delta hdo parts per thousand delta hdo 1 sigma error parts per thousand n2o5 Volume mixing ratio n2o5 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hno4 Volume mixing ratio hno4 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error cfc12 Volume mixing ratio cfc12 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error cfc11 Volume mixing ratio cfc11 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error Potential temperature (K) Pressure (mbar) Temperature (K) Latitude (degrees N) Longitude (degrees E) 4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 999 999999 9999 999 999 999 999 NX(1) {number of applicable altitudes of subsequent data average latitude of measurement (deg) average longitude of measurement (deg) average solar zenith angle of measurement (deg) 0 25 This is the first submission of the FIRS-2 data set for the balloon flight on 24 January 2007 from Esrange, Sweden. The gondola also contained the SLS and in situ Ozone instruments from JPL. The molecules included here do not form a complete set of all the molecules retrieved by FIRS-2 and more may be included at a later date. Those included here have the highest priority for the interest of the Aura satellite payload. Reported here is just the one set of profiles recorded during the duration of the flight. The time at float was only 45 minutes, as the balloon was floating toward the Gulf of Bothnia. The float altitude of the balloon was just under 28 km. I've reported up to 31 km, since the spectra have little leverage for retrievals above that altitude. Assumed profile shapes are based on model calculations by Tim Canty at JPL using the photochemical model of Ross Salawitch. Spectra were also obtained on ascent, which will be used for retrievals of many of these same molecules. More work is required to work out the best algorithm to handle the radiative transfer effects from the PSCs in this geometry. Once this is done, that data will be included. If you have any questions with the data, please contact Ken Jucks at jucks@cfa.harvard.edu. The template for the molecules is as such: h2o o3 n2o no2 hno3 oh hf hcl hocl h2o2 ho2 clno3 delta17 delta18 DeltaD n2o5 hno4 cfc12 cfc11 Theta(K) P (mbar) T (K) Lat (N) Lon (E) 36699 19 67.27 27.29 86.62 13.00 3.542 0.185 0.941 0.333 249.000 15.500 -0.266 4.610 1.927 0.212 0.147 5.260 -0.051 0.047 0.092 0.039 999.999 999.999 -0.380 20.600 1.727 48.900 -0.009 0.186 -49.209 11.052 -7.284 7.901 -95.901 8.311 -0.062 0.197 -0.011 0.240 0.255 0.139 0.193 0.053 34.900 148.400 202.217 67.110 30.070 14.00 3.607 0.162 1.361 0.291 231.000 13.600 -0.296 4.060 3.923 0.185 0.221 4.550 -0.089 0.041 0.125 0.034 999.999 999.999 -0.162 18.000 1.506 42.100 -0.018 0.162 -48.101 9.477 -5.850 6.797 -95.664 7.136 -0.003 0.183 -0.007 0.213 0.236 0.121 0.161 0.047 36.170 125.200 199.667 67.130 30.040 15.00 3.878 0.184 1.704 0.347 236.100 14.700 -0.534 4.740 7.775 0.221 0.566 3.860 -0.043 0.050 0.166 0.039 999.999 999.999 6.879 18.100 1.450 25.700 -0.028 0.185 -34.528 8.791 -10.366 7.219 -82.091 6.674 -0.005 0.197 -0.015 0.258 0.216 0.141 0.148 0.055 37.550 105.400 197.308 67.280 29.890 16.00 4.175 0.184 2.197 0.443 236.200 12.900 -0.659 5.340 12.050 0.274 1.057 2.600 0.068 0.072 0.246 0.043 999.999 999.999 6.318 14.200 0.820 14.600 -0.039 0.201 -22.156 6.652 -14.611 6.815 -69.533 5.328 -0.006 0.238 -0.020 0.347 0.195 0.151 0.127 0.064 39.660 88.650 198.319 67.440 29.730 17.00 4.425 0.161 2.073 0.434 213.900 10.600 -0.582 4.530 12.060 0.261 1.710 1.770 0.222 0.077 0.234 0.039 5.220 22.800 9.417 11.500 0.332 10.800 0.007 0.186 -13.582 5.275 -14.847 5.645 -61.017 4.295 -0.007 0.233 -0.017 0.353 0.179 0.137 0.102 0.060 41.300 74.580 196.576 67.500 29.410 18.00 4.619 0.143 2.591 0.373 178.000 8.150 -0.492 2.820 8.912 0.217 2.096 1.010 0.409 0.073 0.232 0.036 19.370 15.000 11.550 9.340 0.286 7.240 0.128 0.177 -7.837 4.348 -11.886 4.711 -55.618 3.586 -0.007 0.207 -0.013 0.324 0.166 0.124 0.078 0.055 42.840 62.600 193.930 67.520 29.070 19.00 4.800 0.160 3.160 0.371 134.700 7.610 -0.317 2.230 6.290 0.209 2.204 0.807 0.566 0.079 0.231 0.039 27.760 12.700 16.420 9.330 0.488 6.210 0.242 0.219 -4.458 4.513 -7.604 4.894 -52.625 3.782 -0.005 0.236 -0.008 0.361 0.156 0.141 0.054 0.064 44.200 52.400 190.176 67.500 28.800 20.00 5.012 0.180 3.055 0.333 90.770 5.350 -0.190 1.940 5.279 0.201 1.749 0.681 0.716 0.082 0.266 0.045 24.390 11.000 18.430 9.150 0.521 5.550 0.315 0.313 -2.933 4.688 -4.170 5.051 -51.317 3.991 -0.003 0.309 -0.004 0.441 0.146 0.166 0.031 0.080 45.970 43.710 187.799 67.480 28.150 21.00 5.263 0.190 3.049 0.251 53.960 2.990 -0.750 1.650 6.482 0.203 1.222 0.606 0.861 0.087 0.368 0.050 7.702 9.860 22.410 8.640 0.066 5.300 1.151 0.393 -2.660 4.671 -2.622 4.921 -50.808 3.972 -0.018 0.368 -0.014 0.502 0.137 0.186 0.020 0.089 48.360 36.440 187.528 67.460 27.610 22.00 5.532 0.217 2.953 0.224 27.320 2.410 -0.767 1.640 7.375 0.231 0.069 0.606 0.980 0.101 0.463 0.053 6.789 9.850 19.800 8.940 -1.965 5.660 2.440 0.542 -3.398 5.051 -3.145 5.202 -50.488 4.284 -0.019 0.529 -0.010 0.668 0.126 0.230 0.011 0.110 51.300 30.390 188.879 67.450 27.210 23.00 5.781 0.212 3.217 0.192 11.140 1.600 -0.350 1.450 7.433 0.220 -0.847 0.543 1.077 0.099 0.625 0.044 12.150 8.780 16.240 8.230 -4.653 5.140 2.962 0.700 -4.843 4.658 -5.016 4.744 -49.991 3.979 -0.008 0.697 0.003 0.776 0.110 0.249 0.007 0.120 53.680 25.360 187.678 67.420 26.690 24.00 5.968 0.225 3.628 0.191 3.465 1.100 0.048 1.240 6.371 0.219 -1.058 0.549 1.148 0.105 0.751 0.045 15.560 8.840 7.548 8.870 -6.709 4.980 3.424 0.810 -6.518 4.646 -7.054 4.746 -49.196 4.062 0.001 1.720 0.013 0.751 0.095 0.291 0.007 0.140 56.380 21.130 187.089 67.390 26.390 25.00 6.037 0.255 4.076 0.207 1.073 0.961 0.203 1.140 5.178 0.232 -0.513 0.598 1.208 0.118 1.011 0.048 32.720 9.600 0.174 10.400 -5.449 5.200 2.374 0.934 -7.686 5.049 -7.901 5.189 -48.054 4.522 0.003 0.870 0.011 0.749 0.079 0.371 0.008 0.176 60.790 17.660 191.632 67.360 26.250 26.00 5.982 0.266 4.599 0.211 1.029 0.932 0.105 1.160 5.338 0.240 0.186 0.624 1.262 0.124 1.362 0.069 45.360 9.380 -2.750 11.200 -1.982 5.310 0.939 1.060 -7.773 5.259 -6.720 5.416 -46.623 4.746 0.000 0.871 0.003 0.787 0.063 0.423 0.009 0.202 62.690 14.750 187.704 67.280 25.780 27.00 5.845 0.314 4.522 0.255 1.597 1.250 1.324 1.400 6.019 0.325 1.618 0.827 1.311 0.155 1.540 0.130 47.480 10.600 2.365 15.000 2.961 6.960 1.365 1.370 -6.843 6.261 -3.730 6.491 -45.098 5.709 0.787 0.874 0.019 1.020 0.049 0.584 0.009 0.278 68.200 12.310 193.930 67.140 25.130 28.00 5.685 0.257 4.375 0.218 2.059 1.890 2.531 1.800 7.179 0.465 3.575 1.100 1.348 0.144 1.862 0.103 51.310 10.200 13.910 17.100 9.149 8.370 1.798 1.690 -5.224 5.148 0.158 5.391 -43.694 4.765 1.578 0.791 0.035 2.340 0.038 1.040 0.010 0.454 72.410 10.350 195.910 66.920 24.560 29.00 5.585 0.257 4.309 0.218 2.147 1.890 2.569 1.800 7.011 0.465 6.226 1.100 1.382 0.144 1.904 0.103 54.930 10.200 25.930 17.100 17.700 8.370 1.673 1.690 -4.082 5.240 3.062 5.488 -42.954 4.850 1.528 0.791 0.031 2.340 0.028 1.040 0.010 0.454 76.670 8.690 197.332 66.920 24.560 30.00 5.552 0.257 4.360 0.218 1.961 1.890 2.609 1.800 4.557 0.465 8.669 1.100 1.414 0.144 2.023 0.103 58.310 10.200 35.900 17.100 25.790 8.370 1.521 1.690 -3.602 5.271 4.611 5.520 -42.759 4.879 1.476 0.791 0.026 2.340 0.020 1.040 0.010 0.454 81.590 7.315 199.891 66.920 24.560 31.00 5.582 0.257 4.257 0.218 1.615 1.890 2.642 1.800 2.847 0.465 10.560 1.100 1.438 0.144 2.122 0.103 70.230 10.200 37.920 17.100 43.930 8.370 1.403 1.690 -3.834 5.243 4.497 5.491 -42.942 4.853 1.454 0.791 0.025 2.340 0.015 1.040 0.010 0.454 88.780 6.181 207.274 66.920 24.560