80 2110 Traub, Wesley A. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory FIRS-2 balloon emission spectrometer BOS/ 20 Oct 2002 Balloon Flight, Ft. Sumner NM 1 1 2002 10 20 2004 04 30 0.0 0.0 altitude (km) elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours 37 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E-12 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.0E+01 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 999.999 h2o Volume mixing ratio h2o Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error o3 Volume mixing ratio o3 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error n2o Volume mixing ratio n2o Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error no2 Volume mixing ratio no2 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hno3 Volume mixing ratio hno3 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error oh Volume mixing ratio oh Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hf Volume mixing ratio hf Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hcl Volume mixing ratio hcl Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error ocs Volume mixing ratio ocs Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error hocl Volume mixing ratio hocl Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error h2o2 Volume mixing ratio h2o2 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error ho2 Volume mixing ratio ho2 Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error h2o17 depletion parts per thousand h2o17 depletion parts per thousand 1 sigma error h2o18 depletion parts per thousand h2o18 depletion parts per thousand 1 sigma error hdo depletion parts per thousand hdo depletion parts per thousand 1 sigma error c3h6o Volume mixing ratio c3h6o Volume mixing ratio 1 sigma error Potential temperature (K) Pressure (mbar) Temperature (K) Latitude (degrees N) Longitude (degrees E) 4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 999 999 999 999 NX(1) {number of applicable altitudes of subsequent data average latitude of measurement (deg) average longitude of measurement (deg) average solar zenith angle of measurement (deg) 0 13 These are the preliminary results of the rather short FIRS-2 balloon flight on October 20, 2002. The data presented here are mostly for molecules with narrow discrete transitions, primarily at the longer wavelengths. An unusual problem occured with the instrument that makes obtaining profiles of molecules like ClNO3 and the CFCs difficult from these spectra. We hope to get these profiles soon. If you have any questions or wish to use this data, please contact Ken Jucks (jucks@cfa.harvard.edu). The order layout of the data below is as follows: alt H2O O3 N2O NO2 HNO3 OH HF HCl OCS HOCl H2O2 HO2 H2(17)O H2(18)O HDO Acetone PT Press Temp latit. longit. 70891 29 33.86 254.05 51.12 12.00 31.970 0.226 0.564 0.154 361.700 8.080 0.137 3.940 -0.126 0.052 999.999 999.999 -0.021 0.030 -0.018 0.059 0.976 0.165 999.999 999.999 475.400 44.800 999.999 999.999 -35.221 1.418 -26.587 1.045 -88.136 0.888 1.679 0.355 35.880 206.400 228.476 33.910 252.350 13.00 17.490 0.139 0.685 0.110 357.400 5.970 0.294 3.040 -0.243 0.040 999.999 999.999 -0.033 0.020 -0.038 0.047 0.944 0.127 0.553 99.500 299.800 26.900 999.999 999.999 -33.734 1.566 -24.929 1.157 -87.662 0.973 1.263 0.263 36.040 177.200 219.713 33.910 252.350 14.00 3.517 0.118 0.841 0.098 312.000 5.400 0.386 2.560 -0.134 0.038 999.999 999.999 -0.025 0.016 0.013 0.047 0.696 0.121 0.623 19.700 92.260 14.900 999.999 999.999 -41.342 5.449 -10.037 4.826 -81.373 3.972 0.786 0.242 36.300 151.200 211.490 33.920 252.410 15.00 3.095 0.106 1.027 0.103 265.400 5.390 0.839 1.790 0.179 0.041 1.798 0.983 -0.002 0.011 0.111 0.048 0.455 0.131 0.680 8.570 38.890 8.070 999.999 999.999 -54.410 4.404 4.685 4.844 -74.565 3.854 0.519 0.250 36.940 128.300 205.333 33.920 252.500 16.00 3.133 0.119 1.260 0.129 235.900 6.000 1.107 1.560 0.811 0.050 2.176 0.786 0.031 0.010 0.242 0.048 0.271 0.155 0.633 6.850 10.270 6.850 999.999 999.999 -59.496 4.441 8.235 5.304 -70.421 4.141 0.278 0.291 37.830 108.400 200.380 33.920 252.570 17.00 3.510 0.128 1.520 0.151 217.600 6.280 1.521 1.410 1.869 0.057 2.392 0.692 0.079 0.010 0.396 0.046 0.140 0.171 1.126 6.020 5.434 6.200 999.999 999.999 -54.900 4.089 3.846 5.038 -68.689 3.907 0.174 0.322 39.590 91.370 199.704 33.920 252.650 18.00 3.985 0.152 1.749 0.189 209.800 7.440 1.683 1.600 3.122 0.072 2.240 0.784 0.135 0.012 0.556 0.056 0.055 0.212 1.312 6.900 1.418 7.410 999.999 999.999 -44.893 4.287 -2.735 5.152 -67.880 4.064 0.088 0.404 42.250 77.120 203.038 33.920 252.700 19.00 4.477 0.159 1.926 0.227 205.600 7.740 1.805 1.590 4.464 0.094 2.190 0.775 0.209 0.018 0.707 0.070 0.005 0.252 2.327 6.900 -1.973 7.810 999.999 999.999 -33.728 4.144 -8.667 4.573 -67.099 3.751 0.046 0.502 44.820 65.240 205.299 33.920 252.730 20.00 4.918 0.147 2.184 0.230 203.300 7.150 1.706 1.420 5.668 0.101 1.785 0.694 0.278 0.020 0.833 0.069 -0.020 0.252 3.267 6.190 -5.142 7.020 2.877 4.230 -24.237 3.536 -13.257 3.783 -66.165 3.146 0.015 0.510 47.600 55.300 207.980 33.920 252.760 21.00 5.304 0.141 2.450 0.223 199.000 6.760 1.596 1.300 6.463 0.105 1.583 0.654 0.340 0.021 1.020 0.068 999.999 999.999 6.573 5.790 -9.119 6.670 1.702 3.940 -17.760 3.160 -16.403 3.326 -65.158 2.790 999.999 999.999 50.450 46.970 210.377 33.920 252.910 22.00 5.601 0.166 3.024 0.202 193.800 7.160 1.337 1.140 7.036 0.121 1.191 0.709 0.391 0.024 1.177 0.072 999.999 999.999 10.720 5.780 -10.440 7.800 2.257 4.010 -13.962 3.507 -17.979 3.536 -64.114 3.082 999.999 999.999 53.300 39.960 212.238 33.920 253.130 23.00 5.794 0.195 3.706 0.175 187.800 7.090 1.143 0.972 7.153 0.134 0.924 0.727 0.443 0.027 1.274 0.072 999.999 999.999 19.890 5.420 -10.220 9.030 5.163 3.800 -11.581 3.943 -17.932 3.814 -62.979 3.460 999.999 999.999 56.210 34.030 213.752 33.920 253.310 24.00 5.854 0.190 4.484 0.154 182.900 6.430 0.898 0.853 7.334 0.130 0.907 0.669 0.498 0.026 1.380 0.065 999.999 999.999 30.050 4.870 -3.862 8.760 10.140 3.420 -9.139 3.794 -16.262 3.617 -61.667 3.325 999.999 999.999 59.550 29.030 216.403 33.930 253.430 25.00 5.804 0.205 5.379 0.164 178.300 6.740 0.751 0.930 7.241 0.142 1.467 0.740 0.565 0.030 1.468 0.071 999.999 999.999 47.840 5.380 7.773 9.820 17.800 3.730 -5.944 4.137 -13.405 3.937 -60.165 3.619 999.999 999.999 63.070 24.820 219.149 33.910 253.700 26.00 5.681 0.203 6.056 0.170 172.900 6.460 0.591 1.060 7.318 0.149 2.272 0.885 0.599 0.040 1.587 0.074 999.999 999.999 63.040 6.260 22.270 11.300 25.570 4.220 -2.288 4.291 -10.192 4.081 -58.564 3.683 999.999 999.999 66.830 21.260 222.135 33.890 253.990 27.00 5.559 0.186 6.682 0.159 165.100 5.850 0.439 1.050 7.162 0.143 3.939 0.922 0.645 0.049 1.729 0.070 999.999 999.999 79.470 6.270 33.920 11.300 32.620 4.210 0.738 4.092 -7.753 3.878 -57.061 3.463 999.999 999.999 70.940 18.250 225.746 33.870 254.210 28.00 5.496 0.150 7.252 0.128 153.000 4.760 0.236 0.905 6.993 0.126 5.734 0.829 0.713 0.052 1.879 0.058 999.999 999.999 88.000 5.400 36.900 9.960 36.710 3.650 2.183 3.363 -6.787 3.151 -55.804 2.833 999.999 999.999 74.210 15.690 226.140 33.860 254.400 29.00 5.521 0.147 7.777 0.124 138.500 4.690 0.034 0.932 6.550 0.137 9.329 0.885 0.804 0.059 1.973 0.059 999.999 999.999 95.390 5.520 33.630 10.500 41.420 3.790 2.626 3.272 -6.611 3.037 -54.700 2.768 999.999 999.999 78.330 13.500 228.652 33.860 254.480 30.00 5.623 0.149 8.252 0.125 121.400 4.760 -0.043 0.999 6.002 0.157 13.130 0.996 0.915 0.070 2.049 0.061 999.999 999.999 99.900 5.880 35.550 11.700 45.820 4.120 3.575 3.252 -5.673 2.993 -53.441 2.758 999.999 999.999 82.470 11.630 230.726 33.860 254.570 31.00 5.761 0.150 8.686 0.130 105.000 4.400 0.183 1.040 5.241 0.170 19.710 1.110 1.018 0.076 2.111 0.065 999.999 999.999 106.900 6.410 46.590 12.200 55.580 4.410 5.711 3.168 -3.211 2.937 -51.935 2.709 999.999 999.999 86.700 10.040 232.555 33.850 254.690 32.00 5.884 0.159 8.981 0.147 88.400 4.020 0.874 1.130 4.397 0.194 26.440 1.360 1.118 0.084 2.172 0.074 999.999 999.999 119.000 7.670 69.000 13.000 66.490 5.070 8.379 3.220 0.289 3.040 -50.340 2.804 999.999 999.999 91.440 8.674 235.209 33.840 254.770 33.00 5.946 0.149 9.005 0.146 75.020 3.500 2.015 1.090 3.506 0.199 36.830 1.460 1.196 0.081 2.254 0.073 999.999 999.999 130.200 8.070 89.460 12.500 79.950 5.170 10.259 2.948 3.734 2.829 -48.907 2.599 999.999 999.999 96.120 7.508 237.244 33.820 255.050 34.00 5.975 0.133 8.820 0.136 62.390 3.040 3.565 1.020 2.628 0.199 47.470 1.510 1.239 0.069 2.366 0.063 999.999 999.999 145.300 8.030 106.600 12.100 91.310 5.270 10.243 2.586 5.958 2.565 -48.000 2.311 999.999 999.999 99.590 6.500 235.877 33.800 255.340 35.00 6.025 0.137 8.676 0.143 53.560 3.090 4.980 1.090 1.925 0.225 64.080 1.720 1.249 0.067 2.509 0.063 999.999 999.999 152.900 8.910 114.500 13.500 107.000 6.120 7.983 2.615 6.307 2.688 -47.884 2.364 999.999 999.999 102.870 5.619 233.721 33.780 255.590 36.00 6.181 0.138 8.527 0.146 45.410 3.100 6.169 1.140 1.325 0.250 82.630 1.900 1.226 0.065 2.667 0.061 999.999 999.999 160.200 9.620 116.400 14.800 122.100 6.860 4.158 2.549 4.821 2.706 -48.584 2.322 999.999 999.999 109.360 4.860 238.360 33.750 255.990 37.00 6.415 0.189 8.605 0.164 40.010 2.990 6.518 1.820 0.921 0.381 112.500 2.940 1.192 0.073 2.808 0.055 999.999 999.999 154.800 15.700 114.200 23.100 140.700 9.950 0.187 3.143 2.432 3.417 -49.727 3.011 999.999 999.999 116.800 4.219 244.480 33.740 256.220 38.00 6.682 0.189 8.696 0.164 34.380 2.990 6.243 1.820 0.603 0.381 143.300 2.940 1.167 0.073 2.924 0.055 999.999 999.999 147.100 15.700 107.100 23.100 160.800 9.950 -2.769 3.018 0.239 3.280 -50.778 2.890 999.999 999.999 124.540 3.675 250.599 33.740 256.220 39.00 6.902 0.189 8.672 0.164 30.330 2.990 5.392 1.820 0.419 0.381 186.300 2.940 1.158 0.073 2.976 0.055 999.999 999.999 131.200 15.700 101.800 23.100 180.900 9.950 -4.506 2.922 -1.275 3.176 -51.521 2.798 999.999 999.999 129.640 3.208 250.913 33.740 256.220 40.00 7.024 0.189 8.498 0.164 25.680 2.990 4.174 1.820 0.262 0.381 227.700 2.940 1.177 0.073 2.996 0.055 999.999 999.999 114.100 15.700 93.950 23.100 201.000 9.950 -4.826 2.871 -1.609 3.121 -51.680 2.749 999.999 999.999 134.050 2.799 249.502 33.740 256.220