46 1010 Traub, Wesley A. Smithsonian Astrphysical Observatory DC8 FIRS2 E-2 Emission Spectrometer AASE II Mission 1 1 1992 03 18 1993 07 18 0.0 Elapsed UT seconds 10 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+16 1E+16 1E+17 1E+17 1E+14 1E+14 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 HCl column (molecule/cm**2) HCl uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HF column (molecule/cm**2) HF uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) O3 column (molecule/cm**2) O3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) H2O column (molecule/cm**2) H2O uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 column (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) 6 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.0001 999 9999 99999 99999 9999 99999 Time span of measurement (sec) Pressure of DC8 altitude (mbar) Latitude of DC8 (deg) Longitude of DC8 (deg) Degree of subsidence (dimensionless) Altitude (m) of aircraft 0 13 This file contains column abundances measured by the FIRS-2 infrared emission spectrometer on board the NASA DC8 during the AASE II campaign in early 1992. This is revision 1, issued 18 July 1993; this supercedes the original file issued 15 June 1992. New species are included, and new data reduction methods are used. The current file includes HCl, HF, O3, HNO3 and H2O. Stratospheric subsidence is determined from the measured HF emission-line feature, using a standard HF profile, with a linear transformation of the altitude parameter, following Toon et al (JGR 97, 1992 7963). Overhead column abundances for all other species are determined by scaling the amplitudes of standard profiles (the same as used by the MkIV experiment) but appropriately subsided. Uncertainties include estimated random and calibration errors. We do not include uncertainties in the model mixing ratio profiles, NMC atmospheric temperatures, or spectroscopic parameters. 19269 430 2850 6210 328 1441 9187 2706 986 914 190 452 142 399 61 183 10 19969 430 2850 6332 199 1473 9109 1902 402 776 130 648 72 138 33 176 9 20670 430 2850 6453 58 2076 9049 3058 505 1239 173 569 71 186 22 194 9 21371 430 2850 6563 -136 2223 8994 2149 509 1183 165 722 67 378 43 174 10 22071 431 2682 6667 -379 1661 9345 2897 424 1115 121 664 51 171 20 155 9 22788 430 2595 6768 -649 1585 9533 2625 416 1381 133 595 41 197 22 188 11 23489 430 2398 6862 -932 1720 10030 3415 294 1335 118 586 37 171 11 215 12 24189 430 2362 6950 -1240 1911 10121 3117 421 1411 124 738 46 180 11 189 11 24890 430 2362 7039 -1547 2801 10114 3465 351 1793 167 826 52 212 11 235 12 25591 430 2364 7147 -1804 2901 10090 3128 329 1798 262 801 50 226 19 249 15 26291 430 2363 7252 -2089 3306 10061 2328 310 2030 195 766 53 224 12 249 16 27182 431 2362 7379 -2505 4160 10010 3643 416 2172 198 808 67 252 14 315 18 27883 430 2363 7473 -2879 3990 9953 3065 373 2137 230 844 51 280 15 364 21 28623 430 2357 7604 -3162 4305 9906 3109 367 2331 241 786 63 249 12 269 12 29324 430 2145 7736 -3407 5325 10455 2426 302 2580 189 861 56 215 8 290 11 30025 430 2144 7865 -3708 5753 10422 3312 344 2729 212 996 47 236 9 288 14 30725 430 2145 7992 -4086 4775 10398 3139 295 2419 215 987 56 239 9 256 13 31355 289 2145 8103 -4510 4415 10406 2420 273 2351 217 829 52 207 9 302 14 32425 430 2145 8102 -5123 3252 10417 2742 275 1876 154 1013 48 226 10 308 12 33126 430 2145 7947 -5078 3949 10419 2709 329 2133 169 1103 41 221 10 329 12 33827 430 2145 7802 -5046 3992 10432 2871 297 2116 162 1140 43 215 13 284 11 34528 430 2144 7661 -5022 4420 10457 2669 295 2217 170 1046 56 223 11 301 11 35216 430 2145 7524 -5003 3849 10478 3000 311 2090 162 1062 46 215 14 322 18 35945 430 2144 7383 -5000 3757 10506 3189 355 2082 173 1065 44 232 15 293 13 36726 430 2144 7239 -5046 3433 10530 3318 284 1969 223 1084 43 220 12 406 41 37427 431 2144 7103 -5179 5005 10537 2777 312 2501 199 1322 45 220 9 99999 99999 38602 430 2368 6887 -5396 3250 9900 3099 314 1871 159 1139 45 233 14 322 14 39606 430 2367 6711 -5580 2882 9903 3739 308 1765 148 1052 44 226 12 316 13 40271 360 2368 6598 -5704 2322 9900 4202 364 1629 139 1017 42 250 14 318 15 41300 430 2367 6423 -5892 3238 9908 3970 317 1907 154 875 50 244 21 389 24 42001 430 2367 6305 -6028 3066 9906 3575 302 1835 152 902 40 229 14 271 10 42702 430 2367 6185 -6176 2749 9901 4547 540 1703 139 960 49 213 17 271 10 43403 430 2367 6065 -6325 2276 9892 4245 295 1504 122 920 39 194 13 262 12 44106 430 2366 5935 -6439 2650 9886 4098 324 1655 135 1002 42 210 12 253 10 44807 430 2367 5789 -6522 2701 9884 3697 423 1679 152 943 39 241 14 282 12 45508 430 2367 5642 -6598 3499 9889 4146 345 1964 173 874 44 256 11 269 11 46209 430 2367 5494 -6667 3322 9899 4810 356 1928 157 951 39 234 15 322 14 46910 430 2367 5340 -6710 2947 9916 4537 458 1766 144 1041 52 222 12 278 12 47719 430 2367 5160 -6757 2544 9947 4999 366 1962 180 1039 46 218 14 300 11 48518 430 2380 4986 -6804 2376 9960 4988 361 1552 140 785 51 260 15 335 13