46 1010 Traub, Wesley A. Smithsonian Astrphysical Observatory DC8 FIRS2 E-2 Emission Spectrometer AASE II Mission 1 1 1992 03 10 1993 07 18 0.0 Elapsed UT seconds 10 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+16 1E+16 1E+17 1E+17 1E+14 1E+14 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 HCl column (molecule/cm**2) HCl uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HF column (molecule/cm**2) HF uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) O3 column (molecule/cm**2) O3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) H2O column (molecule/cm**2) H2O uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 column (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) 6 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.0001 999 9999 99999 99999 9999 99999 Time span of measurement (sec) Pressure of DC8 altitude (mbar) Latitude of DC8 (deg) Longitude of DC8 (deg) Degree of subsidence (dimensionless) Altitude (m) of aircraft 0 13 This file contains column abundances measured by the FIRS-2 infrared emission spectrometer on board the NASA DC8 during the AASE II campaign in early 1992. This is revision 1, issued 18 July 1993; this supercedes the original file issued 15 June 1992. New species are included, and new data reduction methods are used. The current file includes HCl, HF, O3, HNO3 and H2O. Stratospheric subsidence is determined from the measured HF emission-line feature, using a standard HF profile, with a linear transformation of the altitude parameter, following Toon et al (JGR 97, 1992 7963). Overhead column abundances for all other species are determined by scaling the amplitudes of standard profiles (the same as used by the MkIV experiment) but appropriately subsided. Uncertainties include estimated random and calibration errors. We do not include uncertainties in the model mixing ratio profiles, NMC atmospheric temperatures, or spectroscopic parameters. 35543 430 2607 4223 -12052 306 10165 2429 311 913 95 621 47 258 50 157 9 36243 430 2607 4367 -12008 355 10166 2011 514 926 96 655 55 249 59 116 7 36943 430 2525 4510 -11940 370 10368 3069 456 986 103 676 60 337 40 130 11 37643 430 2373 4636 -11852 561 10742 2790 267 995 95 753 41 322 23 157 8 38343 430 2373 4759 -11761 388 10733 2104 237 999 96 540 39 356 38 186 14 39043 430 2373 4882 -11666 97 10718 2618 359 881 103 563 39 310 31 157 16 39743 430 2373 5002 -11582 390 10702 2015 274 961 106 638 46 363 28 162 14 40372 288 2374 5112 -11517 369 10679 2640 304 936 108 590 45 380 31 201 16 41495 430 2373 5313 -11389 439 10629 2590 241 977 95 646 37 267 35 147 11 42195 430 2374 5436 -11299 289 10589 2435 232 943 122 603 36 256 33 239 57 42895 430 2373 5555 -11204 533 10537 2820 355 954 84 676 34 260 19 180 45 43595 430 2373 5673 -11121 412 10481 2923 309 937 80 716 29 192 26 204 9 44295 430 2373 5798 -11143 756 10443 3356 253 1011 87 708 48 185 15 190 9 44995 430 2320 5926 -11176 1039 10556 3199 230 1143 95 813 34 217 14 202 9 45695 430 2159 6058 -11187 945 10978 3533 198 1129 83 834 27 200 10 201 8 46371 430 2160 6193 -11163 1244 10938 3013 262 1209 87 856 30 185 9 206 11 47095 430 2160 6340 -11134 1638 10901 3332 211 1297 103 926 34 184 9 210 15 47796 430 2160 6483 -11103 1581 10871 3485 297 1317 102 882 33 187 9 196 11 48496 430 2160 6626 -11067 996 10837 3616 208 1170 84 949 30 201 11 221 9 49196 430 2160 6766 -11028 1544 10804 3389 256 1323 99 915 31 188 9 219 9 50394 430 2160 7004 -10962 1707 10753 3516 224 1344 97 908 31 181 9 246 9 51094 430 2160 7142 -10910 1748 10724 3628 229 1371 96 910 34 207 11 257 11 51794 430 2597 7274 -10847 1784 9496 3990 263 1340 109 1006 37 208 17 322 14 54595 430 1947 7762 -10537 2602 11249 3377 212 1673 114 992 29 193 8 222 14 55299 430 1948 7731 -10822 2369 11264 3673 216 1607 143 936 27 188 7 247 10 55999 430 1947 7611 -11139 1967 11318 4263 215 1420 101 893 28 181 10 272 15 56700 429 1947 7485 -11447 1665 11365 3799 204 1346 92 977 29 170 8 265 13 57400 429 1947 7355 -11742 1496 11409 3638 189 1319 90 934 25 180 6 232 10 58100 430 1947 7227 -12019 1613 11446 3623 211 1332 95 900 25 184 9 253 13 59301 430 1946 7012 -12458 2096 11508 3098 212 1468 100 842 27 178 7 201 11 60002 429 1947 6888 -12694 1553 11538 3011 259 1296 88 862 25 165 6 235 10 60702 430 1946 6764 -12919 706 11572 3405 222 1056 75 798 20 151 6 208 9 61403 430 1947 6643 -13143 1372 11596 3497 192 1265 92 816 29 167 7 210 8 62032 288 1946 6535 -13337 1131 11614 3382 188 1193 84 768 21 174 6 201 11 63148 430 2004 6410 -13783 1263 11425 3429 185 1223 87 750 21 152 6 210 12