46 1010 Traub, Wesley A. Smithsonian Astrphysical Observatory DC8 FIRS2 E-2 Emission Spectrometer AASE II Mission 1 1 1992 01 23 1993 07 18 0.0 Elapsed UT seconds 10 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+16 1E+16 1E+17 1E+17 1E+14 1E+14 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 HCl column (molecule/cm**2) HCl uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HF column (molecule/cm**2) HF uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) O3 column (molecule/cm**2) O3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) H2O column (molecule/cm**2) H2O uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 column (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) 6 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.0001 999 9999 99999 99999 9999 99999 Time span of measurement (sec) Pressure of DC8 altitude (mbar) Latitude of DC8 (deg) Longitude of DC8 (deg) Degree of subsidence (dimensionless) Altitude (m) of aircraft 0 13 This file contains column abundances measured by the FIRS-2 infrared emission spectrometer on board the NASA DC8 during the AASE II campaign in early 1992. This is revision 1, issued 18 July 1993; this supercedes the original file issued 15 June 1992. New species are included, and new data reduction methods are used. The current file includes HCl, HF, O3, HNO3 and H2O. Stratospheric subsidence is determined from the measured HF emission-line feature, using a standard HF profile, with a linear transformation of the altitude parameter, following Toon et al (JGR 97, 1992 7963). Overhead column abundances for all other species are determined by scaling the amplitudes of standard profiles (the same as used by the MkIV experiment) but appropriately subsided. Uncertainties include estimated random and calibration errors. We do not include uncertainties in the model mixing ratio profiles, NMC atmospheric temperatures, or spectroscopic parameters. 77163 430 2596 5253 -6515 1966 9723 2706 423 1448 169 837 66 423 59 99999 99999 77685 74 2598 5365 -6419 2660 9649 2300 764 1714 340 835 91 625 130 342 95 79077 431 2597 5655 -6163 1504 9469 2150 840 1331 189 590 75 398 40 236 47 79672 217 2555 5773 -6028 2460 9482 1772 538 1550 220 777 107 411 53 477 130 82448 430 2364 6358 -5846 2978 9691 1871 359 1846 164 864 57 288 15 728 103 83149 430 2364 6508 -5803 2939 9671 1673 342 1770 164 797 53 283 15 717 63 83814 359 2364 6653 -5799 3909 9663 1768 380 2129 217 725 43 317 18 709 68 85324 430 2364 6830 -6274 3377 9643 1668 328 1962 168 762 44 285 13 310 28 86025 430 2364 6844 -6676 3795 9628 1202 328 2087 182 805 47 275 13 351 28 86726 430 2364 6852 -7085 4094 9617 1671 382 2181 185 920 56 293 13 407 27 87427 430 2150 6857 -7508 3699 10202 1683 302 2034 165 914 50 257 10 249 20 88128 430 2148 6852 -7926 3202 10209 1580 298 1870 188 834 42 243 11 238 21 88828 430 2147 6854 -8337 3518 10230 1553 296 1964 163 843 42 250 10 296 20 89529 430 2147 6849 -8751 2967 10258 1471 288 1756 148 766 37 225 10 300 21 90245 430 2147 6840 -9165 2945 10291 1936 283 1794 144 803 38 213 10 257 25 90946 430 2147 6826 -9563 2848 10323 2100 283 1733 143 882 39 210 13 253 67 91646 430 2148 6800 -9952 3080 10350 2274 295 1843 147 1004 43 238 10 355 53 92347 430 2147 6691 -10219 3805 10389 2949 331 2081 157 1452 46 231 10 343 33 93048 430 2149 6566 -10443 4253 10424 2906 326 2194 166 1443 42 251 25 391 32 94124 430 2147 6372 -10742 2411 10501 2961 272 1596 125 1217 39 221 10 373 22 94825 430 2147 6242 -10916 2168 10564 2666 299 1577 113 1056 43 223 10 293 19 95525 430 2032 6112 -11074 2551 10986 3121 279 1629 118 1010 34 230 15 266 16 96226 430 1946 5981 -11213 2027 11340 2560 254 1439 106 1068 30 174 15 249 15 96943 430 1945 5836 -11317 799 11416 2641 240 1077 82 1016 25 163 6 189 12 97643 430 1945 5695 -11411 639 11486 2716 249 1018 82 919 26 156 7 183 12 98344 430 1946 5557 -11497 455 11562 2493 172 977 78 755 26 165 7 143 11 99045 430 1945 5421 -11579 189 11639 2668 176 894 70 768 20 180 10 152 10 99745 430 1945 5296 -11693 -28 11710 2707 178 863 71 798 31 193 9 250 17 100446 430 1945 5170 -11806 170 11768 2433 189 874 74 808 26 183 8 183 14 101147 430 1945 5042 -11902 -422 11831 2913 175 747 61 721 23 203 19 214 14 101847 430 1946 4904 -11954 -412 11887 2089 288 800 60 674 28 202 16 224 17 102758 430 1943 4726 -12015 39 11958 2498 212 856 68 679 18 200 8 127 11 103459 430 1945 4590 -12058 -78 11993 2271 181 851 70 681 17 222 9 135 11 104189 431 1948 4443 -12103 -551 12020 1985 205 652 60 673 26 105 7 138 12 104986 430 1947 4278 -12150 -262 12063 2184 205 755 68 601 26 123 6 155 15 105687 430 2079 4132 -12191 -495 11681 1920 272 706 70 578 39 173 20 133 13 106388 431 2495 3980 -12232 -355 10555 1607 229 500 81 568 46 298 44 205 29