46 1010 Traub, Wesley A. Smithsonian Astrphysical Observatory DC8 FIRS2 E-2 Emission Spectrometer AASE II Mission 1 1 1992 01 19 1993 07 18 0.0 Elapsed UT seconds 10 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+12 1E+16 1E+16 1E+17 1E+17 1E+14 1E+14 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 HCl column (molecule/cm**2) HCl uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HF column (molecule/cm**2) HF uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) O3 column (molecule/cm**2) O3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) H2O column (molecule/cm**2) H2O uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 column (molecule/cm**2) HNO3 uncertainty (molecule/cm**2) 6 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.0001 999 9999 99999 99999 9999 99999 Time span of measurement (sec) Pressure of DC8 altitude (mbar) Latitude of DC8 (deg) Longitude of DC8 (deg) Degree of subsidence (dimensionless) Altitude (m) of aircraft 0 13 This file contains column abundances measured by the FIRS-2 infrared emission spectrometer on board the NASA DC8 during the AASE II campaign in early 1992. This is revision 1, issued 18 July 1993; this supercedes the original file issued 15 June 1992. New species are included, and new data reduction methods are used. The current file includes HCl, HF, O3, HNO3 and H2O. Stratospheric subsidence is determined from the measured HF emission-line feature, using a standard HF profile, with a linear transformation of the altitude parameter, following Toon et al (JGR 97, 1992 7963). Overhead column abundances for all other species are determined by scaling the amplitudes of standard profiles (the same as used by the MkIV experiment) but appropriately subsided. Uncertainties include estimated random and calibration errors. We do not include uncertainties in the model mixing ratio profiles, NMC atmospheric temperatures, or spectroscopic parameters. 44768 430 2358 6702 -925 -439 10735 955 216 654 83 288 28 309 52 143 21 45469 430 2359 6706 -1274 369 10674 1214 241 820 116 374 35 240 42 183 18 46169 430 2357 6707 -1636 343 10598 1128 224 770 86 443 33 234 32 217 19 46869 429 2145 6699 -1982 802 11106 1099 200 1053 105 495 32 193 12 188 19 47570 430 2147 6676 -2311 1058 11027 1507 201 1137 94 526 30 159 8 191 21 48270 430 2143 6644 -2635 721 10962 1490 209 1040 85 498 30 220 14 210 30 48971 430 2144 6607 -2952 984 10895 2013 201 1109 90 563 32 191 11 181 20 49672 430 2144 6603 -3287 1122 10839 1866 209 1167 96 490 30 193 17 188 17 50372 430 2144 6611 -3616 598 10796 1741 188 1152 93 466 26 203 20 168 19 51072 430 2144 6624 -3941 907 10757 1438 234 1101 118 520 38 233 16 261 18 52379 430 2144 6633 -4558 1945 10687 1679 256 1425 131 555 40 217 11 202 23 53079 430 2144 6634 -4899 1782 10634 1919 253 1353 124 595 35 204 11 230 26 53780 430 2144 6625 -5244 2162 10583 1800 266 1513 141 648 41 211 11 228 21 54481 430 2135 6611 -5595 2650 10559 1632 274 1758 175 669 39 208 11 198 21 55181 430 2139 6594 -5932 2811 10512 1912 271 1697 154 748 41 213 11 274 22 55882 430 2138 6577 -6275 3500 10480 1778 301 1972 171 815 45 247 12 263 22 56582 430 1954 6555 -6622 3121 11027 1655 264 1819 147 868 45 196 17 265 35 57282 430 1945 6533 -6957 3097 11034 2287 270 1822 145 909 38 198 9 267 42 57983 430 2046 6439 -6925 3278 10709 2216 263 1881 143 1033 43 222 9 301 20 58680 430 2143 6305 -6853 3357 10412 1697 257 1890 153 813 39 219 10 339 22 59379 430 2144 6158 -6860 3567 10403 2153 294 2008 170 881 59 243 11 318 20 60079 430 2144 6009 -6865 3402 10401 1701 270 1989 152 785 44 241 9 332 21 61030 430 2145 5808 -6835 2865 10406 1623 257 1722 142 985 51 223 11 294 20 61730 430 2144 5666 -6766 3430 10423 1511 258 1894 156 909 51 221 11 222 20 62430 430 2145 5524 -6695 3160 10436 1741 260 1809 143 1073 44 218 9 308 18 63132 430 2144 5377 -6681 2750 10457 2125 238 1807 198 989 39 210 12 296 26 63833 430 2143 5229 -6700 2887 10485 1712 234 1759 132 1017 36 200 8 366 19 64533 430 2144 5082 -6732 3123 10521 2055 256 1839 138 1068 37 212 11 389 19 65233 430 2144 4933 -6762 2416 10576 2913 264 1596 116 1008 36 198 9 266 15