27 1001 ;header lines/format index BUI, T. Paul; Bowen, S. W.; Chan, K. R. NASA - Ames Research Center; email: bui@mms.arc.nasa.gov Meteorological Data from ER-2's MMS STRAT 1 1 1996 12 04 1996 12 04 ;flight-date process-date 0 ;0=non-uniform time increment Elapsed UT seconds of flight date 4 ;number of primary variables 1.0 0.001 0.001 0.1 ;scale factors 99999 999999 9999999 9999 ;missing values Pressure Altitude (feet) Latitude +N (deg) Longitude +E (deg) True Air Speed (m/s) 2 Due to pitot-static system malfunction, air-speed is not available and hence no P, T, Theta, Winds PRELIMINARY DATA 7 Configuration: LTN-92 + GPS + OHx nose + EGI 1Hz data are desampled from 5Hz data. 5Hz data file is available upon request, containing: GMTS,Psta,Tsta,TAS, U,V,W,LAT,LONG,PALT,POT,ROLL,HDG,PIT,Ydot,Xdot,Zdot,Q,YAW,AOA,MACH,Zdotdot, YAWdp,AOAdp (approx. 3 Mbyte per flight hour) raw file name to be recorded here by program UT P_ALT LAT LONG TAS 68000.1 99999 999999 9999999 9999