30 1001 ;header lines/format index BUI, T. Paul; Chan, K. R.; Bowen, S. W. NASA - Ames Research Center; email: bui@mms.arc.nasa.gov Meteorological Data from ER-2's MMS STRAT 1 1 1996 01 26 1996 01 30 ;flight-date process-date 0 ;0=non-uniform time increment Elapsed UT seconds of flight date 4 ;number of primary variables 1.0 0.001 0.001 0.1 ;scale factors 99999 999999 9999999 9999 ;missing values Pressure Altitude (feet) Latitude +N (deg) Longitude +E (deg) True Air Speed (m/s) 5 MMS is not planning to submit data for this flight. The MMSystem measured incorrect pressure data, due to aircraft static pressure line leakage. Pressure data is fundamental to all of MMS data product. Pressure is used to measure dynamic-pressure, which derives MACH number and True-Air-Speed, which are used to compute static temperature and wind speed. 7 Data from: 92INS + 92GPS + HOx nose 1Hz data are desampled from 5Hz data. 5Hz data file is available upon request, containing: GMTS,Psta,Tsta,TAS, U,V,W,LAT,LONG,PALT,POT,ROLL,HDG,PIT,Ydot,Xdot,Zdot,Q,YAW,AOA,MACH,Zdotdot, YAWdp,AOAdp (approx. 3 Mbyte per flight hour) Data processed in real-time by 486B UT P_ALT LAT LONG TAS 99999.9 99999 999999 9999999 9999