43 1001 Wennberg, Paul California Institute of Technology Gas Phase Peroxynitric Acid from DC-8 TC4 1 1 2007 07 28 2011 09 07 0 start_UTC, s 3 1 1 1 999999 999999 999999 stop_UTC, s mid_UTC, s PNA, pptv 0 26 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: California Institute of Technology. MC 150-21. 1200 E. California Blvd, Pasadena, CA, 91125. Phone: (626) 395-2447. Fax: (626) 585-1917. email: wennberg@gps.caltech.edu PLATFORM: NASA DC-8 airborne laboratory. LOCATION: Aircraft location data in file TN_20070728.DC8. ASSOCIATED_DATA: N/A INSTRUMENT_INFO: Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer. Direct measurements in ambient air. DATA_INFO: Measurements are reported as 0.5 sec averages and in units of pptv. CAUTION: Do not extrapolate data outside of given time interval as these are discrete measurements. Calibration was conducted ~once per hour during the flight using H2O2 and HNO3 calibrants, and proxied to PNA using laboratory calibrations. Absolute calibration was obtained in the laboratory by thermal decomposition and NO2 measurement. Zeros were conducted ~3 times per hour by passing ambient air through a filter containing nylon wool coated with NaHCO3. UNCERTAINTY: +-(100% of measuremlent value + 20 pptv) ULOD_FLAG: 7777777 ULOD_VALUE: N/A LLOD_FLAG: 8888888 LLOD_VALUE: N/A; N/A; N/A; DM_CONTACT_INFO: John Crounse. California Institute of Technology. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. MC 150-21. 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125. Phone: (626) 395-6868. Fax: (626) 585-1917. email: crounjd@caltech.edu. PROJECT_INFO: TC4 study; 13 July-13 August 2007; Study of cloud processing and tropical convection processes STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data requires PI notification and adherence to the TC4 data protocol. OTHER_COMMENTS: N/A REVISION: R1 R1: ULOD and LLOD flags changed to positive values, to conform to Ames format 2.1 specifications. R0: Preliminary Data Revision 0. Water correction has been applied using CIT-CIMS water. Reduction code 1.5 start_UTC stop_UTC mid_UTC PNA 60101.84 60102.34 60102.09 15.6 60137.84 60138.34 60138.09 15.2 60173.84 60174.34 60174.09 20.9 60209.84 60210.34 60210.09 20.9 60245.91 60246.41 60246.16 14.2 60281.84 60282.34 60282.09 23.0 60317.91 60318.41 60318.16 20.9 60353.84 60354.34 60354.09 21.3 60389.91 60390.41 60390.16 14.5 60425.84 60426.34 60426.09 24.7 60461.84 60462.34 60462.09 14.6 60497.91 60498.41 60498.16 9.8 60613.97 60614.47 60614.22 18.0 60649.97 60650.47 60650.22 21.1 60685.97 60686.47 60686.22 13.3 60822.84 60823.34 60823.09 17.5 60858.84 60859.34 60859.09 11.2 60894.72 60895.22 60894.97 17.0 60930.72 60931.22 60930.97 25.6 60966.84 60967.34 60967.09 25.8 61002.78 61003.28 61003.03 23.7 61038.72 61039.22 61038.97 28.1 61074.72 61075.22 61074.97 24.1 61110.72 61111.22 61110.97 34.1 61146.72 61147.22 61146.97 27.8 61182.72 61183.22 61182.97 29.7 61218.78 61219.28 61219.03 32.0 61254.72 61255.22 61254.97 22.6 61290.72 61291.22 61290.97 31.3 61326.78 61327.28 61327.03 30.0 61362.78 61363.28 61363.03 22.2 61398.78 61399.28 61399.03 25.1 61434.72 61435.22 61434.97 24.7 61470.72 61471.22 61470.97 16.8 61506.72 61507.22 61506.97 22.8 61542.72 61543.22 61542.97 19.6 61578.78 61579.28 61579.03 30.8 61614.72 61615.22 61614.97 30.9 61650.72 61651.22 61650.97 27.5 61686.72 61687.22 61686.97 31.3 61722.78 61723.28 61723.03 28.0 62281.84 62282.34 62282.09 14.5 62317.84 62318.34 62318.09 20.7 62353.84 62354.34 62354.09 20.6 62389.84 62390.34 62390.09 24.1 62425.84 62426.34 62426.09 21.4 62461.91 62462.41 62462.16 20.1 62497.84 62498.34 62498.09 20.5 62533.72 62534.22 62533.97 27.5 62569.84 62570.34 62570.09 21.9 62605.84 62606.34 62606.09 26.8 62641.78 62642.28 62642.03 14.5 62677.72 62678.22 62677.97 22.2 62713.78 62714.28 62714.03 25.9 62749.91 62750.41 62750.16 23.6 62785.72 62786.22 62785.97 32.3 62821.72 62822.22 62821.97 30.2 62857.72 62858.22 62857.97 23.0 62893.72 62894.22 62893.97 21.3 62929.72 62930.22 62929.97 23.2 62965.72 62966.22 62965.97 33.0 63001.72 63002.22 63001.97 29.4 63037.72 63038.22 63037.97 44.4 63073.72 63074.22 63073.97 52.3 63109.84 63110.34 63110.09 46.8 63145.84 63146.34 63146.09 56.4 63279.84 63280.34 63280.09 66.8 63315.84 63316.34 63316.09 69.3 63351.84 63352.34 63352.09 46.1 63387.91 63388.41 63388.16 31.2 63423.91 63424.41 63424.16 7.7 63459.91 63460.41 63460.16 6.9 63495.84 63496.34 63496.09 15.4 63531.84 63532.34 63532.09 13.3 63567.84 63568.34 63568.09 10.9 63603.91 63604.41 63604.16 -3.3 63639.91 63640.41 63640.16 3.6 63675.78 63676.28 63676.03 -4.3 63711.78 63712.28 63712.03 1.3 63747.91 63748.41 63748.16 -0.6 63783.78 63784.28 63784.03 13.0 63819.78 63820.28 63820.03 2.7 63855.78 63856.28 63856.03 -1.3 63891.78 63892.28 63892.03 5.4 63927.78 63928.28 63928.03 6.6 63963.78 63964.28 63964.03 8.4 63999.78 64000.28 64000.03 -3.2 64035.78 64036.28 64036.03 15.3 64071.78 64072.28 64072.03 13.0 64107.78 64108.28 64108.03 0.2 64143.78 64144.28 64144.03 -14.7 64179.78 64180.28 64180.03 25.5 64313.91 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4.2 65686.78 65687.28 65687.03 -10.0 65722.78 65723.28 65723.03 6.0 65758.78 65759.28 65759.03 5.9 65794.78 65795.28 65795.03 -1.8 65830.78 65831.28 65831.03 1.8 65866.78 65867.28 65867.03 1.9 65902.72 65903.22 65902.97 -3.8 65938.78 65939.28 65939.03 21.4 65974.78 65975.28 65975.03 -0.1 66010.72 66011.22 66010.97 22.8 66046.72 66047.22 66046.97 18.9 66082.72 66083.22 66082.97 -4.1 66118.72 66119.22 66118.97 9.7 66154.78 66155.28 66155.03 38.0 66190.72 66191.22 66190.97 6.7 66226.72 66227.22 66226.97 13.7 66262.72 66263.22 66262.97 7.4 66298.72 66299.22 66298.97 15.0 66334.72 66335.22 66334.97 5.5 66370.72 66371.22 66370.97 20.8 66540.84 66541.34 66541.09 3.1 66576.91 66577.41 66577.16 -2.9 66612.84 66613.34 66613.09 18.5 66648.84 66649.34 66649.09 2.9 66684.91 66685.41 66685.16 8.9 66720.91 66721.41 66721.16 10.3 66756.84 66757.34 66757.09 25.7 66792.84 66793.34 66793.09 10.9 66828.84 66829.34 66829.09 32.2 66864.91 66865.41 66865.16 -3.2 66900.84 66901.34 66901.09 11.7 66936.84 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68222.72 68223.22 68222.97 8.6 68258.78 68259.28 68259.03 10.5 68294.72 68295.22 68294.97 16.6 68330.72 68331.22 68330.97 13.8 68366.72 68367.22 68366.97 18.2 68402.72 68403.22 68402.97 10.1 68438.78 68439.28 68439.03 7.0 68996.84 68997.34 68997.09 12.5 69032.91 69033.41 69033.16 17.3 69068.84 69069.34 69069.09 4.7 69104.91 69105.41 69105.16 -8.2 69140.84 69141.34 69141.09 -0.7 69176.84 69177.34 69177.09 7.1 69212.91 69213.41 69213.16 10.9 69248.72 69249.22 69248.97 24.1 69284.84 69285.34 69285.09 11.2 69320.84 69321.34 69321.09 9.2 69356.72 69357.22 69356.97 27.2 69392.72 69393.22 69392.97 37.6 69428.72 69429.22 69428.97 33.2 69464.72 69465.22 69464.97 39.7 69500.78 69501.28 69501.03 48.4 69536.72 69537.22 69536.97 29.6 69572.72 69573.22 69572.97 76.0 69608.78 69609.28 69609.03 21.4 69644.72 69645.22 69644.97 51.0 69680.72 69681.22 69680.97 32.8 69716.78 69717.28 69717.03 36.8 69752.66 69753.16 69752.91 59.9