24 1001 Toohey, Darin Gates, Amelia Thornton, Brett University of Colorado-Boulder ClO mixing ratios from CORE+ instrument ACCENT 1 1 1999 09 24 2000 09 08 0 time (UT seconds) from 00 hours on flight date 1 1.00E-2 99999 ClO mixing ratio (ppt) 0 9 These data were obtained with an instrument designed for fast-response measurements in the plumes of rockets as part of the RISO campaign. Thus, the sensitivity was purposely degraded to maintain linearity at extremely high (> 50 ppb) abundances of ClO. We have averaged to data to provide reasonable precision (a few ppt per reported data point), sacrificing temporal resolution. If you desire faster response data (with correspondingly larger noise), please contact one of the co-investigators. UT (sec) ClO (ppt) 52997.9 204 53097.9 -465 53197.9 -162 53297.9 -86 53397.9 148 53497.9 -125 53597.9 85 53697.9 663 53797.9 104 53897.9 -89 53997.9 49 54097.9 -118 54197.9 184 54297.9 -329 54397.9 7 54497.9 -107 54597.9 149 54697.9 183 54797.9 -503 54897.9 -57 54997.9 -33 55097.9 -226 55197.9 -994 55297.9 -592 55397.9 -147 55497.9 10 55597.9 263 55697.9 6 55797.9 -305 55897.9 134 55997.9 16 56097.9 -124 56197.9 -501 56297.9 -102 56397.9 -2 56497.9 -49 56597.9 -17 56697.9 171 56797.9 197 56897.9 -44 56997.9 193 57097.9 -56 57197.9 -226 57297.9 161 57397.9 -37 57497.9 173 57597.9 5 57697.9 -2 57797.9 -231 57897.9 -20 57997.9 -182 58097.9 200 58197.9 198 58297.9 83 58397.9 111 58497.9 334 58597.9 -287 58697.9 -181 58797.9 61 58897.9 51 58997.9 110 59097.9 -21 59197.9 -396 59297.9 52 59397.9 -133 59497.9 -40 59597.9 -102 59697.9 -150 59797.9 486 59897.9 145 59997.9 177 60097.9 -58 60197.9 43 60297.9 62 60397.9 1 60497.9 -182 60597.9 241 60697.9 -317 60797.9 -255 60897.9 57 60997.9 -477 61097.9 100 61197.9 -154 61297.9 -62 61397.9 571 61497.9 -290 61597.9 192 61697.9 315 61797.9 -72 61897.9 -74 61997.9 -128 62097.9 -193 62197.9 102 62297.9 212 62397.9 338 62497.9 -138 62597.9 108 62697.9 -321 62797.9 56 62897.9 -526 62997.9 238 63097.9 419 63197.9 96 63297.9 -87 63397.9 138 63497.9 44 63597.9 -80 63697.9 -386 63797.9 -97 63897.9 79 63997.9 -201 64097.9 -102 64197.9 -121 64297.9 -5 64397.9 113 64497.9 188 64597.9 -192 64697.9 -169 64797.9 -251 64897.9 -215 64997.9 -100 65097.9 246 65197.9 -160 65297.9 187 65397.9 -176 65497.9 7 65597.9 -275 65697.9 4 65797.9 46 65897.9 -182 65997.9 35 66097.9 -135 66197.9 199 66297.9 244 66397.9 210 66497.9 -44 66597.9 3 66697.9 293 66797.9 36 66897.9 -269 66997.9 -159 67156.9 -203 67256.9 179 67356.9 -250 67456.9 -298 67556.9 69 67656.9 -189 67822.7 42 67922.7 240 68022.7 -74 68122.7 -196 68222.7 -342 68322.7 -580 68422.7 -235 68522.7 -173 68622.7 -305 68722.7 326 68822.7 50 68922.7 -135 69022.7 13 69122.7 -513 69222.7 -114 69322.7 -412 69422.7 -289 69522.7 -171 69622.7 433 69722.7 -439 69822.7 -36