24 1001 Toohey, Darin Thornton, Brett University of Colorado-Boulder ClO mixing ratios from CORE instrument WAM 1 1 1998 05 11 2000 08 31 0 time (UT seconds) from 00 hours on flight date 1 1.00E-02 99999 ClO mixing ratio (ppt) 0 9 These data were obtained with an instrument designed for fast-response measurements in the plumes of rockets as part of the RISO campaign. Thus, the sensitivity was purposely degraded to maintain linearity at extremely high (> 50 ppb) abundances of ClO. We have averaged to data to provide reasonable precision (a few ppt per reported data point), sacrificing temporal resolution. If you desire faster response data (with correspondingly larger noise), please contact one of the co-investigators. UT (sec) ClO (ppt) 55149.5 88 55249.5 -210 55349.5 3 55449.5 -454 55549.5 316 55649.5 10 55749.5 294 55849.5 -337 55949.5 341 56049.5 -136 56149.5 -10 56249.5 -278 56349.5 -78 56449.5 2 56549.5 240 56649.5 -310 56749.5 424 56849.5 -125 56949.5 167 57049.5 294 57149.5 99 57249.5 -518 57349.5 52 57449.5 -93 57549.5 -327 57649.5 -117 57749.5 -212 57849.5 -148 57949.5 -13 58049.5 144 58149.5 -10 58249.5 -256 58349.5 -99 58449.5 154 58549.5 143 58649.5 -223 58749.5 -42 58849.5 202 58949.5 -242 59049.5 43 59149.5 -15 59249.5 -428 59349.5 11 59449.5 254 59549.5 -77 59649.5 32 59749.5 35 59849.5 -7 59949.5 213 60049.5 -109 60149.5 4 60249.5 78 60349.5 -47 60449.5 126 60549.5 85 60649.5 -28 60749.5 -57 60849.5 -228 60949.5 -129 61049.5 -94 61149.5 111 61249.5 46 61349.5 17 61449.5 95 61549.5 74 61649.5 178 61749.5 -11 61849.5 270 61949.5 -236 62049.5 172 62149.5 125 62249.5 86 62349.5 60 62449.5 -574 62549.5 -236 62649.5 78 62749.5 -212 62849.5 -175 62949.5 -29 63049.5 -59 63149.5 27 63249.5 260 63349.5 533 63449.5 -147 63549.5 56 63649.5 -10 63749.5 -234 63849.5 386 63949.5 123 64049.5 -211 64149.5 -234 64249.5 28 64349.5 -224 64449.5 -97 64549.5 -63 64649.5 55 64749.5 -362 64849.5 -424 64949.5 -115 65049.5 -324 65149.5 181 65249.5 104 65349.5 78 65449.5 -716 65549.5 136 65649.5 377 65749.5 285 65849.5 -116 65949.5 -143 66049.5 -150 66149.5 -202 66249.5 -359 66349.5 353 66449.5 -101 66549.5 -92 66649.5 -66 66749.5 -418 66849.5 238 66949.5 202 67049.5 -130 67149.5 135 67249.5 188 67349.5 -210 67449.5 313 67549.5 426 67649.5 -54 67749.5 -104 67849.5 234 67949.5 131 68049.5 218 68149.5 273 68249.5 26 68349.5 162 68449.5 -367 68549.5 -34 68649.5 -173 68749.5 -247 68849.5 265 68949.5 304 69049.5 224 69149.5 -2 69249.5 -607 69349.5 367 69449.5 141 69549.5 -51 69649.5 -164 69749.5 -290 69849.5 -49 69949.5 -218 70049.5 166 70149.5 206 70249.5 7 70349.5 -266 70449.5 -21 70549.5 108 70649.5 -22 70749.5 335 70849.5 20 70949.5 152 71049.5 -145 71149.5 -22 71249.5 156 71349.5 86 71449.5 -123 71549.5 -27 71649.5 551 71749.5 115 71849.5 -30 71949.5 80 72049.5 -92 72149.5 248 72249.5 -51 72349.5 -311 72449.5 10