55 1001 Brune, Toohey, Anderson Harvard University ER-2 ClO/BrO AASE 1 1 1989 1 12 1990 1 18 0.0 Elapsed seconds of flight date from "GOES" clock 4 1.0e-13 1.0e-13 1.0 1.0 999999 999999 999999 999999 BrO Mixing Ratio 1 Sigma Theta (K) Delta T (min) 0 37 ============================================================================ This file is a reformatted version of the original AASE data, such that it conforms to the exchange file format standards adopted for AASE II (S.E.G.). ============================================================================ ********************************************************************* Note: This is the best form for exchange of our BrO data. We average for about one hour to achieve a detection limit of 2 pptv or better. In addition, in order to obtain a fairly steady background signal, we average along flight legs where the density does not vary too rapidly. Thus, what you will find in this table is the average BrO volume mixing ratio in Column 2, the 1 Sigma uncertainty based on Poisson statistics in the same units in Column 3, the average potential temperature (in Column 4) along the flight leg segments (of duration Delta T in Column 5), and the GOES time at the midpoint of that segment. To obtain a BrO mixing ratio in PPTV you can just multiply the raw numbers that appear in columns 2 and 3 by 0.1. The segments reported here were chosen to highlight differences between BrO in sunlight and in darkness, where I used a solar zenith angle of about 92 degrees to define the terminator for photolysis (based on some expectations from models), and to illustrate differences between BrO in or out of the chemically perturbed region, the edge of which I defined by the edge of the perturbation in ClO. If you have trouble reading this with your current software, you might check line 8 of our header where I have listed the time interval as 3000 seconds. We do not use a fixed time interval due to the nature of our averaging routine. So this number is pretty meaningless. I hope this presents no fatal problems. If you would like to have our raw 32 second BrO data binned or filtered along different flight segments or in a different way, please call me at (617) 495-5922...Darin Toohey ********************************************************************* 30907.1 999999 999999 449 20 33300.0 16 17 466 60 40650.0 3 10 458 65 47100.0 999999 999999 454 30 49980.0 11 23 416 66 52033.1 999999 999999 417 2