40, 1001 Brune, William; Thames, Alexander; Miller, David; Brosius, Alexandra Penn State University ATHOS - Airborne Tropospheric Hydrogen Oxides Sensor ATom 1, 1 2018, 05, 18, 2019, 05, 24 0 Start_UTC, seconds, seconds since UTC midnight on day of takeoff 3 1, 1, 1 -9999.000, -9999.000, -9999.000 Stop_UTC, seconds, seconds since UTC midnight on day of takeoff Mid_UTC, seconds, seconds since UTC midnight on day of takeoff OHInterference_ATHOS, pptv, OH interference in pptv 0 23 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: 503 Walker Building, University Park, PA 16802; email: whb2@psu.edu 814-865-3286 PLATFORM: NASA - DC-8 Aircraft - sampling underneath aircraft forward cargo bay LOCATION: ATom IV: BONUS Flight #1 -- SFJ - BGR ASSOCIATED_DATA: N/A INSTRUMENT_INFO: Total OH is from Laser Induced Fluorescence; OH interference is the residual from chemical removal of ambient OH. DATA_INFO: Units are pptv for OH interference. UNCERTAINTY: OHI absolute accuracy ~+/- 35% (actually a multiplicative factor of 1/1.35 to 1.35), 2 sigma confidence. ULOD_FLAG: -7777 ULOD_VALUE: N/A LLOD_FLAG: -8888 LLOD_VALUE: N/A DM_CONTACT_INFO: William H. Brune, Penn State, whb2@psu.edu; 814-865-3286 PROJECT_INFO: NSF/NASA ATom Mission. 2016 - 2018; Multiple Locations STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: No restrictions. Contact PI or DM with any questions. OTHER_COMMENTS: Final Data. OH interference signals from individual 20 or 30 second periods have been averaged together for 150 seconds. - This averaging compensates for the noise introduced because OH and OH interference measurements are done sequentially, - and the OH interference signal is the residual of the chemical removal of ambient OH. - Small variations in ambient OH measurements can yield large (~1*10^6 cm^-3) variations in individual 20 or 30 second measurements. REVISION: R2 R2: Final Data (see OTHER_COMMENTS) R1: Final Data (see OTHER_COMMENTS) R0: Final Data (see OTHER_COMMENTS) Start_UTC, Stop_UTC, Mid_UTC, OHInterference_ATHOS 44594, 44743, 44669, -9999.000 44745, 44894, 44820, 0.012 44895, 45044, 44970, -0.001 45045, 45194, 45120, -0.000 45195, 45344, 45270, 0.009 45345, 45494, 45420, 0.013 45495, 45644, 45570, -0.035 45646, 45795, 45721, 0.028 45796, 45945, 45871, 0.034 45946, 46095, 46021, 0.015 46096, 46245, 46171, 0.009 46246, 46395, 46321, 0.034 46397, 46546, 46472, 0.041 46667, 46816, 46742, 0.038 46995, 47144, 47070, 0.071 47145, 47294, 47220, 0.052 47295, 47444, 47370, 0.052 47445, 47594, 47520, 0.043 47595, 47744, 47670, 0.034 47746, 47895, 47821, 0.056 47896, 48045, 47971, 0.034 48046, 48195, 48121, 0.050 48196, 48345, 48271, 0.038 48347, 48496, 48422, 0.034 48497, 48646, 48572, 0.051 48647, 48796, 48722, 0.012 48797, 48946, 48872, 0.013 48948, 49097, 49023, 0.020 49098, 49247, 49173, 0.024 49248, 49397, 49323, 0.030 49398, 49547, 49473, 0.056 49548, 49697, 49623, 0.039 49699, 49848, 49774, 0.046 49849, 49998, 49924, 0.028 49999, 50148, 50074, 0.036 50149, 50298, 50224, 0.019 50299, 50448, 50374, 0.039 50450, 50599, 50525, 0.021 50600, 50749, 50675, 0.028 50750, 50899, 50825, 0.004 50900, 51049, 50975, 0.011 51050, 51199, 51125, 0.031 51201, 51350, 51276, 0.067 51351, 51500, 51426, 0.044 51501, 51650, 51576, 0.025 51651, 51800, 51726, 0.042 51936, 52085, 52011, 0.043 52240, 52389, 52315, 0.016 52390, 52539, 52465, 0.037 52540, 52689, 52615, 0.033 52690, 52839, 52765, 0.039 52841, 52990, 52916, 0.058 52991, 53140, 53066, 0.007 53141, 53290, 53216, 0.028 53291, 53440, 53366, 0.020 53442, 53591, 53517, 0.032 53592, 53741, 53667, -0.005 53742, 53891, 53817, 0.019 53892, 54041, 53967, 0.006 54042, 54191, 54117, 0.009 54193, 54342, 54268, 0.002 54343, 54492, 54418, -0.011 54493, 54642, 54568, 0.035 54643, 54792, 54718, -0.021