69 2110 STRAWA, Tony, PUESCHEL, Rudi, and DRDLA, Katja NASA Ames Research Center Ames Wire Impactor (APS) POLARIS 1 1 1997 07 10 1998 5 29 0. 0. {Irregular data intervals} Bin number Time at which module opened (UT sec) 6 {Number of primary variables} 1 1 .01 1 1 .01 {Scale factors} 999 999 999999 999 999 999999 {Missing values} Lower limit of sulfate bin (um diameter) Upper limit of sulfate bin (um diameter) Differential sulfate concentration in bin (# cm-3 um-1) Lower limit of soot bin (um diameter) Upper limit of soot bin (um diameter) Differential soot concentration in bin (# cm-3 um-1) 15 {Number of auxiliary variables} 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 {Scale factors for auxiliary variables} 99 999999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 99 {Missing values} Number of size bins reported in subsequent data records Time at which module closed (UT sec) Total sulfate concentration (# cm-3) Total sulfate surface area (um2 cm-3) Total sulfate volume (um3 cm-3) Total soot concentration (# cm-3) Total soot surface area (um2 cm-3) Total soot volume (um3 cm-3) Uncertainty on total sulf. conc. (# cm-3) Uncertainty on total sulf. SA (um2 cm-3) Uncertainty on total sulf. vol. (um3 cm-3) Uncertainty on total soot conc. (# cm-3) Uncertainty on total soot SA (um2 cm-3) Uncertainty on total soot vol. (um3 cm-3) Conversion factor for sulfate aerosols 1 {Number of special comment lines} Data for time 76821 from ring Z-26: 500 um wire for sulf, 500 um wire for soot 29 {Number of normal comment lines} BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DATA FORMAT: For each module, the first line provides the following information: opening time, number of size bins, closing time, sulf #, sulf SA, sulf vol, soot #, soot SA, soot vol The second line provides the statistical uncertainties: sulf # uncert, sulf SA uncert, sulf vol uncert, soot # uncert, soot SA uncert, soot vol uncert, conv. factor Subsequent lines provide the full size distribution, bin by bin. For each bin, the following data is provided: bin #, lower size (sulf), upper size (sulf), sulf # lower size (soot), upper size (soot), soot # MEANING OF "NUMBER OF SIZE BINS": 0: Data for this sample is available but has not yet been analyzed. 99: Data is not available. Otherwise, this is the number of size bins necessary to describe either the sulfate or soot distribution, whichever is larger. CONVERSION FACTOR FOR SULFATE AEROSOL: APS measures sulfate aerosol after all water has evaporated and after fixing the sulfate with ammonia, thus modifying the particle sizes. The aerosol conversion factor provides the calculated difference between measured diameters and original diameters, assuming particles are equilbrium H2SO4/H2O solutions. This factor has been incorporated in all provided sulfate data. Soot analysis now takes into account the fractal geometry of the particles If you are interested in a particular size distribution, please contact Tony Strawa (+650-604-3437, astrawa@mail.arc.nasa.gov). END OF HEADER 67733 99 68033 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 1.363 69036 99 69336 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 1.391 70316 99 70616 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 1.362 72235 99 72535 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 1.036 74428 99 74728 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 9999 9999 99999 1.016 76821 10 77121 4.878 2.740e-1 1.380e-2 9.900e-2 1.820e-2 2.210e-4 0.155 0.311e-1 0.291e-2 4.700e-2 1.450e-2 1.770e-4 0.998 1 0.036 0.070 75.900 0.100 0.120 1.0100 2 0.070 0.140 19.600 0.120 0.160 0.7200 3 0.140 0.208 5.000 0.160 0.220 0.3290 4 0.208 0.242 7.530 0.220 0.300 0.1660 5 0.242 0.284 2.730 0.300 0.400 0.0833 6 0.284 0.324 1.100 0.400 0.540 0.0000 7 0.324 0.414 0.457 0.540 0.740 0.0412 8 0.414 0.522 0.298 999 999 9999 9 0.522 0.684 0.229 999 999 9999 10 0.684 0.780 0.075 999 999 9999