37 1010 Talbot, Robert and Dibb, Jack University of New Hampshire Acidic Trace Gases SONEX 1 1 1997 10 23 1998 03 02 0 Midpoint of sampling interval in elapsed seconds from 00 Universal Time on takeoff date. 6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 Nitric Acid (HNO3) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Nitric Acid Limit of Detection (pptv) Formic Acid (HCOOH) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Formic Acid Limit of Detection (pptv) Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Acetic Acid Limit of Detection (pptv) 2 1.0 1.0 99999 99999 Start Time (seconds) Stop Time (seconds) 0 12 Species mixing ratios are reported in parts per trillion by volume (pptv). Species mixing ratio below stated limit of detection is indicated by 88888. Start and stop times (in Universal Time) for individual samples are reported in seconds of the day (1 day = 86400 sec.). Average uncertainties in mixing ratios are as follows: HNO3 (< 30 pptv +/- 35%; 30 - 100 pptv +/- 25%; >100 pptv +/- 20%); HCOOH (<100 pptv +/- 30% ;>100 pptv +/- 20%; CH3COOH (<100 pptv +/- 35%, >100 pptv +/- 20%). Absolute accuracy of pptv values is unknown, but we believe it to be +/- 10 - 20%. Direct questions about these data to R. Talbot or J. Dibb at: Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, Morse Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. E-mail: robert.talbot@unh.edu or jack.dibb@unh.edu 23410 23160 23659 55 99999 89 99999 82 99999 23860 23660 24060 26 99999 59 99999 63 99999 24297 24061 24533 47 99999 68 99999 61 99999 24725 24534 24915 26 99999 51 99999 53 99999 25149 24916 25383 69 99999 80 99999 88888 21 25583 25384 25781 88 99999 44 99999 88888 19 25988 25782 26193 83 99999 37 99999 88888 19 26402 26194 26610 63 99999 28 99999 88888 19 26824 26611 27037 127 99999 43 99999 42 99999 27244 27038 27449 55 99999 37 99999 88888 20 28785 28560 29009 136 99999 26 99999 88888 19 29255 29010 29500 104 99999 25 99999 88888 21 30873 30690 31056 135 99999 32 99999 88888 27 31241 31057 31425 125 99999 29 99999 88888 26 31690 31426 31954 105 99999 23 99999 88888 20 32142 31955 32328 121 99999 28 99999 88888 27 32525 32329 32721 97 99999 31 99999 88888 26 32970 32722 33218 80 99999 23 99999 88888 19 33412 33219 33605 70 99999 25 99999 88888 28 33809 33606 34011 40 99999 27 99999 88888 26 34224 34012 34436 34 99999 27 99999 88888 28 34708 34437 34979 38 99999 24 99999 88888 20 35263 34980 35545 35 99999 24 99999 88888 20 35820 35546 36094 28 99999 22 99999 88888 19 36374 36095 36653 31 99999 23 99999 88888 20 36920 36654 37186 22 99999 26 99999 88888 20 37384 37187 37580 44 99999 27 99999 88888 23 37756 37581 37930 44 99999 31 99999 88888 26 38110 37931 38288 49 99999 31 99999 88888 28 38490 38289 38691 45 99999 25 99999 88888 22 38936 38692 39180 53 99999 23 99999 88888 20 39382 39181 39582 47 99999 26 99999 88888 22 39799 39583 40014 38 99999 21 99999 88888 22 40248 40015 40480 37 99999 22 99999 88888 19 40726 40481 40970 52 99999 31 99999 88888 19 41171 40971 41370 27 99999 28 99999 88888 21 41575 41371 41778 42 99999 32 99999 88888 21 41975 41779 42170 24 99999 29 99999 88888 23 42375 42171 42578 37 99999 31 99999 88888 22 42787 42579 42994 33 99999 29 99999 88888 21 43193 42995 43390 36 99999 32 99999 88888 20 43583 43391 43775 32 99999 35 99999 88888 20 43963 43776 44150 39 99999 40 99999 88888 20 44346 44151 44540 34 99999 35 99999 88888 20 44732 44541 44922 34 99999 35 99999 88888 20 45117 44923 45310 34 99999 37 99999 88888 20 45719 45530 45908 44 99999 48 99999 144 99999 46095 45909 46281 50 99999 44 99999 105 99999 46466 46282 46650 33 99999 38 99999 62 99999 46840 46651 47029 36 99999 42 99999 59 99999 47210 47030 47390 35 99999 39 99999 83 99999