31 2310 Browell, Dr. Edward V. NASA Langley Research Center DC-8 Visible Aerosol Depolarization TOTE/VOTE 1 1 1996 2 19 1996 3 25 0.0 Geometric altitude of observation (m) Elapsed time in UT seconds from 0 hours on day given by date 1 .01 99999 Percent Depolarization 9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.01 0.01 9999 99999 999 99999 99 99 99 9999 99999 Number of values for current recorded time Geometric altitude at which data begins (m) Altitude increment (m) Geometric altitude of aircraft (m) Hour of day of observation (UT) Minute of hour of observation (UT) Second of minute of observation (UT) Latitude ( +N degrees) Longitude ( +E degrees) 0 3 ---------------------- DC-8 VISIBLE AEROSOL DEPOLARIZATION ------------------- No visible aerosol depolarization was observed in the stratosphere on this flight. 16669 1 13203 150 11005 4 37 49 2438 -15984 99999