43 1010 "Talbot, Robert and Dibb, Jack " University of New Hampshire DC-8 Atmospheric Aerosol Chemical Composition SONEX 1 1 1997 11 03 1998 3 16 0 Midpoint of sampling interval in elapsed seconds from 00Z on takeoff date. 9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 Nitrate (NO3) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Sulfate (SO4) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Oxalate (C2O4) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Ammonium (NH4) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Potassium (K) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Magnesium (Mg) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Calcium (Ca) Mixing Ratio (pptv) Beryllium-7 (Be-7) Specific Activity (fCi/scm) Lead-210 (Pb-210) Specific Activity (fCi/scm) 2 1.0 1.0 99999 99999 Start Time; seconds Stop Time; seconds 0 15 "Species mixing ratios are reported in parts per trillion by volume, except for Be-7 and Pb-210." Mixing ratio below limit of detection indicated as 88888. Start and stop times (in Universal Time) for individual samples are reported in elapsed seconds from 0:00 z of the day of takeoff. Average uncertainties in mixing ratios are as follows: "NO3 20%, SO4 13%, C2O4 10%, NH4 15%, K 20%, Mg 10%, " "Ca 10%, Be-7 15%, Pb-210 20%. " Please note that it is not possible to use these data on time scales shorter than reported here. The most useful and appropriate method of comparing the UNH aerosol data to other SUCCESS data is to average the higher resolution measurements over the reported aerosol sampling time intervals. Direct questions about these data to R. Talbot or J. Dibb at: "Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, " "Morse Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. " e-mail: rwt@christa.unh.edu or jed@unh.edu 51057 50454 51660 6.5 20.3 2.9 88888.0 18.2 88888.0 88888.0 1410 99999 52290 51780 52800 0.4 22.5 7.5 88888.0 3.1 88888.0 88888.0 1108 99999 53520 52920 54120 15.8 22.6 3.3 88888.0 4.9 88888.0 0.9 480 99999 54870 54240 55500 23.3 26.9 2.7 88888.0 22.2 88888.0 4.5 1230 99999 56250 55620 56880 12.7 26.1 5.3 88888.0 22.9 88888.0 88888.0 433 99999 57690 57180 58200 4.5 15.6 88888.0 88888.0 9.0 88888.0 88888.0 138 99999 58770 58320 59220 20.2 25.9 4.5 88888.0 20.2 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 99999 59820 59340 60300 2.4 30.0 3.5 88888.0 10.0 88888.0 5.6 807 99999 60870 60420 61320 23.4 15.6 88888.0 88888.0 11.3 88888.0 88888.0 96 99999 62055 61530 62580 6.1 11.8 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 8.8 645 99999 63150 62700 63600 59.1 19.7 88888.0 88888.0 44.6 88888.0 25.7 580 99999 64500 63900 65100 14.8 22.7 88888.0 88888.0 1.9 88888.0 88888.0 1060 99999 65790 65220 66360 17.0 13.3 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 553 99999 67005 66570 67440 44.9 10.4 88888.0 88888.0 8.7 88888.0 12.6 111 99999 67860 67560 68160 41.8 13.9 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 227 99999 69060 68460 69660 28.7 16.6 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 99999 70380 69780 70980 15.1 27.6 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 88888.0 187 99999